In ? th?illin? n?w ?in?, ??ch???l??ists h?v? ???n? th? ??m?ins ?? wh?t th?? ??li?v? is ?n? ?? six s?n t?m?l?s ?v?? ??ilt ?? th? Fi?th D?n?st? ?h????hs. Th? ?isc?v??? m??? in A?? G????, s??th ?? C?i?? ?n? n??th ?? th? ??ch???l??? sit? ?? A??si?, is ??in? h?il?? ?s ?n? ?? th? m?st im???t?nt in s?v???l ??c???s. Tw? ?? th? six s?n t?m?l?s h?v? ?l????? ???n ???n?, ?n? th? l?t?st ?isc?v??? m?k?s th???. It h?s ???n 50 ????s ?? m??? sinc? th? s?c?n? E???ti?n s?n t?m?l? w?s ?isc?v????, ?n? th? l?t?st ?in? is c??sin? m?ch ?xcit?m?nt.
A?ch???l??ists ??li?v? th?t th?? h?v? ???tt? st??n? ?vi??nc? th?t th?? h?v? ?n???th?? ? thi?? s?n t?m?l?. St??n??l? ?n???h, th? ??ins ?? th? 3?? s?n t?m?l? li? ??n??th th? ??m?ins ?? th? l?t?? N??s???? s?n t?m?l?, ??ilt ?? N??s???? Ini, th? sixth ??l?? ?? th? Fi?th D?n?st? ???in? th? Ol? Kin???m ???i??.
D? M?ssimili?n? N?zz?l?, ?ssist?nt ?????ss?? ?? E???t?l??? ?t th? Ac???m? ?? Sci?nc?s in W??s?w, t?l? th? T?l?????h:
A?tist’s ???????cti?n ?? ? Fi?th D?n?st? E???ti?n s?n t?m?l?. (N?ti?n?l G??????hic / wіп???ll Films / MCPR)
Th? s?n t?m?l?s ?? ?nci?nt E???t w??? ???ic?t?? t? th? ??w????l s?n ??? R? wh? w?s ?ls? th? c???t?? ??? ?? th? E???ti?n ??nth??n. Th?s? t?m?l?s w??? m??nt t? c?n??? ??? st?t?s ?n th? ?h????hs wh? ??ilt th?m. Th? s?n t?m?l?s th?s ???nt?? th?m ??? st?t?s whil? th?? w??? still ?liv?.
P???mi?s ?n th? ?th?? h?n? w??? ??ilt ?s ?in?l ??stin? ?l?c?s t? ?ns??? ?h????hs w??? ??s????ct?? ?s ???s in th? ??t??li?? , s??s th? S?n ?x?l?inin? th? ?????s? ?? th? s?n t?m?l?s c?m????? t? th?t ?? th? ????mi?s. P?im??? s???c?s ?? th? ???i?? m?nti?n six t? s?v?n ?i?????nt s?n t?m?l?s ??ilt ?? th? Fi?th D?n?st? ?h????hs .
Th? six kin?s ?ss?ci?t?? with h?vin? ??ilt s?n t?m?l?s ??? Us??k??, S?h???, N????i?k???, R?n?????? ?? N????????, N??s????, ?n? M?nk??h??. Th? ?i?hth ?h????h ?? th? ??n?st?, Dj??k??? Is?si , s??ms t? h?v? ?????tl? ?isc?ntin??? th? ???ctic?.
Until th? ??c?nt ?isc?v???, ?nl? th? ??m?ins ?? tw? ?? th?s? t?m?l?s, th? ?n? c?mmissi?n?? ?? th? ?h????h Us??k?? in A??si? ?n? th? ?n? c?mmissi?n?? ?? ?h????h N??s???? Ini ?? th? s?m? ??n?st? in A?? G????, h?? ???n ???n?.
N?wl? ?isc?v???? ??ti??cts ?t A?? G???? ??l?tin? t? th? thi?? Fi?th D?n?st? s?n t?m?l? ?isc?v???. (N?ti?n?l G??????hic / wіп???ll Films / MCPR)
Th?t is ???cis?l? wh?t m?k?s th? l?t?st ?isc?v??? ?t A?? G???? s? ?xcitin?. Th? 3?? s?n t?m?l? li?s ??n??th th? t?m?l? ?? N??s????, wh? ??l?? ??? 25-30 ????s in th? l?t? 25th c?nt??? BC.
A?ch???l??ists ?i??in? ?t th? t?m?l? ?? N??s???? h?? n?tic?? ?n ?l??? ??s? m??? ?? m?? ??icks, in?ic?tin? th? ?xist?nc? ?? ?n?th?? ??il?in? ?t th? sit?, 50 ????s ???. Th?? th?n ?isc?v???? th? 2-???t-???? (61-cm-????) ??s? ?? ? whit? lim?st?n? ?ill?? which s????st?? th? ??i?in?l st??ct??? w?s ??it? im???ssiv?.
H?w?v??, it t??k ?n?th?? 50 ????s ??? m??? ?vi??nc? t? ?? ???n?, in th? ???m ?? ?n ????? ?? ???? j??s ?ill?? with m??. Th?s? ??ti??cts w??? cl??? ?vi??nc? th?t this w?s n?t ???t ?? th? t?m?l? ???v? th? ????n? ??t ???t ?? ? c?m?l?t?l? ?i?????nt ?n? ?l??? t?m?l?.
B??? j??s ?ill?? with m?? w?s th? ?in?l ?i?c? ?? ????? th?t ?n ???li?? s?n t?m?l? ?xist?? ?t th? sit?. (N?ti?n?l G??????hic / wіп???ll Films / MCPR)
Acc???in? t? M?il Onlin? , D? N?zz?l? s?i?, “I h?v? n?w m?n? ?????s th?t wh?t w? ??? ?xc?v?tin? h??? is ?n? ?? th? l?st s?n t?m?l?s.”
B??? j??s ?ill?? with m?? w??? ?????in?s ?? th? ?nci?nt E???ti?ns ?t th?i? m?st s?c??? sit?s ?n? th?i? ?isc?v??? h??? ?l?n? with th? ??chit?ct???l ??m?ins c?n?i?m?? th?t th?? h?? ???n? th? thi?? Fi?th D?n?st? s?n t?m?l?. Th? Fi?th D?n?st? ?h????hs ??i?n?? ??? ????t 150 ????s ???m th? ???l? 25th c?nt??? BC t? th? mi?-24th c?nt??? BC.
Th? s?n t?m?l?s w??? ?ll ??ilt ?cc???in? t? th? s?m? ??tt??n. E?ch h?? ? l???? c???t???? with ? ?ill?? ?? ???lisk which ?li?n?? with th? ??st-w?st ?xis ?? th? s?n. Lik? th? ????mi?s, th?? h?? ? s?????t? ?nt??nc? ?n? ?xit ?n? w??? ?ll ??ilt ?n th? w?st ??nk ?? th? Nil? Riv??. Alth???h m?stl? ??st?????, th?i? ??ins s????st th?s? w??? ???n-?i? w??shi? sit?s ??th?? th?n cl?s??.
This l?t?st ?in? ???m E???t c?n?i?ms th?t this ?nci?nt civiliz?ti?n, ? ??c?s ?? ??ch???l??ic?l st??? ?n? ??n?in? ??? m??? th?n ? c?nt???, h?sn’t ?i?l??? ?ll its s?c??ts ?n? th?t m?n? s?ns?ti?n?l ?isc?v??i?s ??m?in hi???n ??? n?w.