There are more than 8.7 million species of animals and plants on Earth, but there are still many things we don’t know about their mysterious world.
1. A scorpion can fast for a year, live up to 25 years, and glow under black light or ultraviolet light.
2. Kiwi birds have nostrils located at the end of their beak.
3. Octopuses have blue blood, a donut-shaped central brain, 3 hearts, and on each tentacle (arm) there is a brain with about 200-250 suction cups. It can move at a speed of 25 mph.
4. A woodpecker has a very long tongue to protect its brain during high-speed pecking.
5. Alpine bumblebees can fly higher than Mount Everest.
6. Leatherback turtles, one of the largest and heaviest reptiles, survive mainly on jellyfish and have sharp, tooth-like papillae in their mouths.
7. The electricity produced by electric eels can range from 600 to 860 volts.
8. A snail can have up to 25,000 teeth and a rough tongue.
9. Sharks continue to grow throughout their lives.
10. Two of the noisiest animals are the sperm whale with a sound of 230 dB and the blue whale with a sound of 188 dB.
11. Bats are the only mammals that can fly.
12. Dolphins sleep with one eye closed and one half of their brain active while the other half is alert to watch out for danger.
13. Owls cannot smell their prey because they have no sense of smell. Instead, owls rely on their hearing to detect prey.
14. Frogs can freeze to death without dying.
15. The elephant’s trunk contains about 100,000 muscles and tendons.
16. Ayam Cemani, a rare chicken breed from Indonesia, has a black body color due to a genetic mutation, including the skin, internal organs, tongue, eyes,…