Unexpected morning treat: Peer out the bedroom window to see a snake enjoying its breakfast

In Townsville, Queensland, Australia, a large python measuring more than 2 meters long surprised locals when it devoured a helpless possum outside a bedroom window. While wild animals sneaking into homes or lurking in rural areas have become nightmares for those living in the countryside, even city dwellers can witness horrific scenes like this.

Recently, a man called David Reynolds recorded the terrifying moment when he discovered the python eating its prey, a juicy possum, outside his bedroom window in Townsville, Queensland. When he opened the back window of his house on Friday morning, he came face to face with the giant reptile enjoying its fresh meal in his backyard. It was an unexpected and terrifying sight to find such a terrifying creature in his garden, especially while he was feasting on his food.

David said it took the python approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes to swallow the opossum whole. The python was hanging suspended from a branch, calmly enjoying its meal, but its heavy body made it difficult for it to move quickly.

After resting for 30 minutes on the tree trunk, the python finally slithered into the garden. Residents in the area are now worried about their beloved pets, including cats and other domestic animals, which could become the python’s next prey.

Although Australia is famous for its unique and diverse wildlife, some creatures, such as the python, can strike fear in humans. This incident serves as a reminder to remain alert and cautious, even in the city, as we share our environment with Australia’s incredible wildlife.

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