Impressive image of more than 30 turtles climbing onto the back of a hippo as it plunges into the river.

Although hippos are considered the most dangerous animals in Africa, a group of about 30 daring turtles tried to transform one into a huge lounger.

Until the hippopotamus moved, the turtles balanced and fell.

The huge hippopotamus, which could have weighed up to 2.5 tonnes, was ambushed by a large number of much smaller aquatic turtles in Sᴏᴜtʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀ Kruger National Park after taking a quick swim.

The Sᴏᴜtʜ Aғʀɪᴄᴀn swamps and slow-moving rivers are home to a variety of water-loving reptiles that like to float near the water’s surface or sunbathe on the rock walls.

Hippos are described as “water wallows” in the Kruger National Park. These are frequently seen in herds and are familiar sights at most waterholes, however they are also sometimes mistaken for large rocks.

When they are simply floating below the surface of the water, their snouts occasionally even resemble crocodile noses. But heed the warning: If they expand their huge mouths and show their huge lower canines, they feel tense.

Turtles are amphibians. On land, they move very slowly, but in water, they swim incredibly well. Turtles certainly experience a lot of humidity, so they enjoy sunbathing. Instead of coming up on shore to sunbathe, turtles prefer to climb above the water to do so.

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