Little Guy, stay with us! Friendly older elephants take in an adorable orphaned youngster that was struck by lightning and dead, and raises it under their care

Orphaned after a lightning strike killed his parents’ herd, baby African elephant Eliot had a traumatic start to life.
But since being rescued on Christmas Day and taken to a sanctuary aged just three days old, he has been helped through the tough times – by two friendly older elephants.

Eliot the baby elephant (right) pictured with Beatrix (left) and Kadiki (centre) - all three are orphans
Like Eliot, his new playmates Kadiki, aged three, and Beatrix, one, were also orphaned and narrowly escaped death.
Kadiki survived deep wounds after a lion attack at only a day old, while Beatrix was rescued after she became trapped in a gully.

Eliot the baby elephant (right) pictured with Beatrix (left) and Kadiki (centre) – all three are orphans

Like Eliot, his new playmates Kadiki, aged three, and Beatrix, one, were also orphaned and narrowly escaped death

Like Eliot, his new playmates Kadiki, aged three, and Beatrix, one, were also orphaned and narrowly escaped death

Since being rescued on Christmas Day and taken to a sanctuary aged just three days old, Eliot has been helped through the tough times – by two friendly older elephants

Since being rescued on Christmas Day and taken to a sanctuary aged just three days old, Eliot has been helped through the tough times – by two friendly older elephants
When Beatrix arrived at the sanctuary, Kadiki took on the role of mother. Pictures of Kadiki gently wrapping a reassuring trunk round Beatrix captured the hearts of Mail readers last year.
Now they are passing on their love to three-month-old Eliot. All three live at the Zimbabwe Elephant Nursery near the capital Harare. Animal campaigner Roxy Danckwerts, whose charity Wild is Life runs the site, said: ‘The other two immediately comforted Eliot because they’ve been through it. The intensity of the emotion and care is extraordinary.’
Academic research has revealed elephants typically have ‘very strong social bonds’ within family groups.
Once the three are strong enough, the nursery hopes to move them to a reserve near Victoria Falls – which is safe from poachers – to integrate with wild elephant herds.
You can donate by clicking here.

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