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The Ace Combat 7’s Arsenal Bird: Fiction vs. Future Possibilities

Ace Combat 7’s Arsenal Bird, officially known as the Aerial Arsenal Ship, is a colossal airborne behemoth that dominates the skies throughout the game. This flying fortress wields a formidable combination of drones and medium-range air-to-air missiles, safeguarded by a fictional energy shield that fends off attacks.

Stretching an astounding 3,600 feet across, the Arsenal Bird’s size dwarfs even the largest military aircraft and cargo planes. It functions as both an air-to-air missile-equipped arsenal ship and a flying aircraft carrier, boasting 80 “MQ-101” drones reminiscent of the Northrop Grumman X-47B, complete with foldable wings. To top it off, the onboard laser turrets pose a lethal threat to adversaries.

While the Arsenal Bird’s sheer size and capabilities may seem unrealistic, they also raise questions about the practicality and resource requirements of such a platform. Traditional aircraft and warships equipped with vast missile arsenals often become prime targets, as the cost of replacing these missiles alone can be exorbitant.

Moreover, the logistical and support demands for such a gigantic aircraft would be staggering. In the game, the Arsenal Bird’s power source comes from microwave energy transmitted wirelessly from a facility called “Lighthouse,” with supplies delivered by flying resupply ships—similar to how aircraft carriers are resupplied at sea.

Although the prospect of an aircraft of this magnitude may seem unlikely in the near future, the Arsenal Bird’s dominance in the game aligns with ongoing developmental programs and hints at some of the United States’ most secretive endeavors.

The Real Cutting-Edge Technology that Could Make It a Reality:

1. Transmitting Power to Aircraft via Microwave Beams:
The concept of beaming power to aircraft wirelessly is not science fiction but science fact. Recent experiments have successfully transmitted electrical power over distances using microwave beams. While current power levels may not suffice for massive aircraft, future developments could make this a feasible replacement for traditional power sources.

2. Flying Aircraft Carriers:
The idea of flying aircraft carriers is no longer relegated to science fiction. Advanced drone technology, combined with programs like Rapid Dragon and DARPA’s Gremlins, allows for deploying and recovering drones from cargo planes, potentially saturating enemy airspace with low-cost drones and weaponry.

3. Laser Technology:
Developments in laser technology could lead to larger aircraft replacing nimble fighters in certain operations. Future combat aircraft may prioritize stealth and the ability to carry directed energy weapons, ensuring air dominance over vast areas.

In conclusion, while the Arsenal Bird from Ace Combat 7 may not become a reality as depicted in the game, it serves as a window into potential applications of emerging technologies. The future of airpower may indeed incorporate elements like drone swarms, laser weaponry, and wireless power transmission, transitioning from science fiction to operational reality in the coming decades.

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