The adorable expressions of newborn babies melt millions of hearts

Some of us, no matter how hard we try, will never be cool, confident and charming. We look on with envy at those that seem to just ooze that easygoing allure and wonder, are they just born with it?

Well if you scroll down through this list, compiled by Bored Panda, you’ll see that actually yes, some people are down with it from the very youngest age. These are some of the coolest babies you’re ever likely to see, and you just know that a least a few of them are destined for a successful career in showbusiness! So go ahead and check them out for yourself, and don’t forget to upvote your favorites!

#1 Me And My Boss’s Son At The Christmas Party

#2 Eyebrow Baby

#3 “I May Not Be Elmo, But You Can Tickle Me Anytime”

#4 My Nephew, Arthur. Baby Male Model. So Hot Right Now

#5 What About A First Kiss?

#6 Hey There, Handsome

#7 My Baby Cousin Has Hair That Looks Like A News Anchorman

#8 My 8-Week-Old Son Always Stares At My Boobs After I Get Out Of The Shower. This Was His Expression This Morning

#9 This Is My 1 Week Old Enjoying Life

#10 Girl At The Beach Thought My Son Was Cute. I Think He Knows What He’s Doing

#11 My Son Is Only 2-Weeks-Old, But He’s Already Mastered Blue Steel

#12 My Son Has Conquered The Photobomb

#13 My Friend Took A Pic Of This 2-Month-Old Baby Boy Looking Like He’s About To Steal Yo Girl

#14 Just My 7-Month-Old Niece Posing Like A Boss

#15 Tonight My Parents Showed Me A Picture Of Me, Age 3, 1985

#16  My Boyfriend’s 10-Day-Old Nephew Is A Natural Born Lady Killer

#17 Conor McGregor Got His Newborn Son A 3-Piece Suit For The Big Fight

#18 Meet My 1-Week-Old Niece

#19 My Mom’s Persian Friend’s Baby

#20 My 2-Month-Old Just Did Her First “Blue Steel” Look

#21 Ladies…

#22 Total Flirt

#23 My Baby Nephew Won’t Ever Have Trouble With The Ladies

#24 Hello, Ladies

#25 Cutie

#26 My Son Smelling Bacon For The First Time

#27 Heyy, How You Doin’ (My 2-Week-Old Daughter)

#28 My Boy Has Mastered The “Hey Baby, How You Doin”

#29 Lady Killer Since I Was 7 Months Old

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