Baby hippo “cried” for help after a flock of birds landed on its back. The photo attracted millions of likes on social networks

We have different reactions to the same thing.

The young hippo was playing alone when a small flock of oxpeckers landed on his back.

The anxious calf screamed for help as the oxpeckers began pecking at its back.

The hippo ran and turned his body but it didn’t work.

As you may know, oxpeckers and hippos often have a mutually beneficial relationship.

These funny moments were captured in South Luangwa National Park in Zambia by photographer Marc Mol.

“At first I was shocked at what was happening as I saw this baby hippo running towards me and the safety of the water, and then I realised that the culprits were a small flock of oxpeckers.

“I had a good laugh when I realized I had captured something a little different, and yet very funny,” he added.

When Marc shared photos of the baby hippo on the Internet, they went viral.

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