After losing his partner, the piglet exhibits the most emotional response.

Spot, the piglet, was just a newborn when he met his soulmate… Rescued at 8 months old from a family who bought him as a pet, but didn’t give him any necessary care. He was already living in his new home when he met little Sientje. Aubel’s Rachel Vos, his new mother, saw the connection between the two immediately.

For the next 13 years, the little pigs did not stray from each other , actually leaving each other on very few occasions. Whether they were squawking in the grass or lying in the sun… Wherever Sientje went, Spot followed closely behind . They took care of each other, they gave each other love and company.

That devotion lasted until the day Sientje left this world . The poor thing had osteoarthritis and it progressed very aggressively in her body, she was suffering a lot… So they had to put her to sleep . The decision was of course very emotional, since everyone knew that she was suffering, and that later on she too, Spot would suffer… She was going to lose her soul mate.

When the decisive day came, the family said their last goodbyes and wrapped Sientje in blankets, with a pretty flower arrangement around her body. When Spot realized that his beloved left this world, he did not want to leave her side . She stood there, resting her head on her body, moving closer to her face.

“At first I didn’t understand what was happening, I couldn’t stop crying… They were always together,” Rachel commented. 

Weeks passed, and Spot was still grieving the loss of his soul mate. «When she was no longer around, it took a while before Spot recovered the joy that characterized him. It was very difficult for him .”

It is very common for this to happen among pigs, they are very emotional animals, they love interaction with other beings and they form very strong bonds with the family , especially with humans. As Spot has shown, they suffer when a loved one passes away and spend months in mourning. 


Due to Spot’s advanced age and other medical conditions, Rachel decided not to introduce another pig into the family for now, but he still loves the company of the house cats and puppies . He still has friends who love him very much.

“The cats go to the barn and sleep there with him, they are definitely different companions but he loves them and they do very well together,” Rachel continued. 

The most important thing when there is a loss is having a supportive and loving family. That’s exactly what Spot has. Share their stories with your loved ones…

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