The reality emerged when a picture of a “mysterious creature” appeared.

Photos of a creepy mystery creature have been circulating online with claims that it was “discovered” in a forest in Pahang, Malaysia.

The photos have spread like wildfire on social media with captions that said it was found at the Pahang border and was being housed in a “laboratory” at an unidentified location.

State police chief Datuk Rosli Abdul Rahman has come out to say that the images and stories are untrue.

The images were that of a “silicon baby werewolf” which is sold as a novelty toy in an online store.

He said that the police have not received any information or reports from the public regarding any sighting of the creature, reports the New Straits Times.

“Checks revealed the images were downloaded from the Internet before it was shared on social media, claiming that the discovery was made in Pahang. I hope the public will stop circulating news about the alleged discovery,” he added.


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