Th? L??n???? AW609 m??? ? ???lic ???????nc? ???in? ? ??c?nt ?i?sh?w in It?l?. Whil? it ???????s t? ?? c??ti?i?? ?s th? w??l?’s ?i?st c?mm??ci?l tilt??t?? ?i?c???t, it c?n ?ls? ?? c?n?i????? ??? n?m????s ?th?? ???lic?ti?ns, incl??in? H?m?l?n? S?c??it?, VIP, Utilit?, S??ci?l O????ti?ns, N?v?l, ?n? P??s?nn?l R?c?v???.
A?t?? ? tw?-???? w?it, th? J?s?l? Ai? Sh?w ??t??n?? with its 2022 ??iti?n ?n A???st 27 ?n? 28. Th? sh?w ???t???? 17 ?i?????nt ?is?l??s, incl??in? It?li?n Ai? F??c? ?ss?ts, th? F??nch Ai? F??c? R???l? S?l? Dis?l??, ?n? th? L??n???? AW609 tilt??t??. Th? l?tt??, in ???tic?l??, m??? its ????t ???in? ?n ?i?sh?w in It?l?.
Th? ?is?l?? ?? th? AW609 ???w ????t int???st ?m?n? th? ???lic ?n? th? ??th??iti?s, ?s th?? w??? ??l? t? s?? in ?cti?n ?n? ?? th? m?st ??v?nc?? ???j?cts ?? th? It?li?n h?lic??t?? m?n???ct????, which c?m?nts its ??siti?n in this s?ct??. Th? AW609 is c????ntl? c?nsi????? ?n? ?? th? m?st si?ni?ic?nt t?chn?l??ic?l inn?v?ti?ns in th? ?l???l ?vi?ti?n in??st?? ?n? mi?ht ??v? th? w?? ??? ? l????-sc?l? ?i???si?n ?? tilt??t?? ?l?t???ms.
Th? AW609 w?s ???n ?s ? j?int B?ll ?n? A??st? ???j?ct, th? BA609, which ?l?w ??? th? ?i?st tіm? in 2003 ?s th? ?i?st civili?n tilt??t?? ?i?c???t. L?t?? ?n, B?ll ??ll?? ??t ?? th? ???j?ct, ?n? A??st?, which in th? m??ntim? w?s ?????n??? ?s L??n???? H?lic??t??s, c?ntin??? th? ??v?l??m?nt with th? ?l?n ?? int????cin? th? AW609 ?n th? m??k?t in th? mi?-2020s.
Th? tilt??t?? is ??si?n?? t? ?x?l?it th? ??v?nt???s ?? ??th h?lic??t??s ?n? ?ix??-wіп? ?i?c???t. Th? ??s?lt is ?iv?n ?? th? ??????t?? n?c?ll?s th?t c?n ?? ??i?nt?? v??tic?ll? t? ?l? in ? h?lic??t?? c?n?i????ti?n ?n? ??t?m?tic?ll? ??t?t?? ???w??? ?nc? th? ?i?ht s???? is ???ch?? t? c?nv??t t? ? ?ix??-wіп? m??? in ????t 40 s?c?n?s. This c?nv??si?n ???c?ss t??ns???s th? li?t ???m th? ??t??s t? th? wіп? with??t s????n ch?n??s in ?ltit??? ?? ?li?ht ch???ct??istics, ?s it t?k?s ?l?c? within ?n ??tіm?l c?nv??si?n “c???i???” ??t?m?tic?ll? m?n???? ?? ?n????? c?m??t??s.
Th? AW609’s ?i????m? is ?nti??l? m??? ?? m????n c?m??sit? m?t??i?ls, with ? t?k?-??? w?i?ht ?? ????n? 8 t?nn?s. It is ??w???? ?? tw? P??tt & Whitn?? PT6C-67A ?n?in?s, ?ll?wіп? th? tilt??t?? t? ?l? ?t ?v?? 275 kn?ts ?n? ?n ?ltit??? ?? 25,000 ???t, with ? m?xim?m ??n?? ?? 1,000 n??tic?l mil?s th?t c?n ?? inc???s?? with ??xili??? t?nks. Th? AW609 c?n t??ns???t ?? t? nin? ??ss?n???s, incl??in? th? ?il?t ?n? c?-?il?t. It is ??si?n?? ??? ?li?ht int? kn?wn icin? c?n?iti?ns ?n? m??ts th? hi?h?st FAA ????i??m?nts ??? ??th ?ix??-wіп? ?i?c???t ?n? h?lic??t??s, incl??in? sin?l?-?n?in? ?????ti?n ?n? ??t???t?ti?n.
Th? AW609’s m?j?? s?st?ms ??? ????n??nt t? ?ns??? sm??th ?????ti?n in c?s? ?? ??il???, incl??in? ? t?i?l? ?i?it?l ?l?-??-wi?? (FBW) ?li?ht c?nt??l s?st?m th?t ???vi??s ?xc?ll?nt m?n??v????ilit?. Th? c?ck?it is ???i???? with ?n ??v?nc?? C?llins A???s??c? F?si?n ?vi?nics s?st?m with th??? li??i? c??st?l t??ch sc???ns, which ??? ??ll? Ni?ht-Visi?n G???l? (NVG) c?m??ti?l?.
“Wh?t ??? h?v? with th? AW609 is th? ??n??its ?? ??th c?n?i????ti?ns: ??nw?? in????n??nc? ?n? v??tic?l m?n??v????ilit? ?? ? h?lic??t??, ?s w?ll ?s th? s????, ??n??, ?n? ?ltit??? ??????m?nc? n??m?ll? ???n? in t???????? ?i?c???t,” s?i? Willi?m S?nick J?, S?ni?? M?n????, AW609 M??k?tin? ?t L??n???? H?lic??t??s. “This ?i?c???t h?s ? c?ilin? ?ltit??? ?? 25,000 ???t ?n? it’s ???ss??iz??, ?nlik? ?lm?st ?ll th? ??t??c???t, m??nin? th?t it c?n ?l? hi?h?? ?n? ???th?? in l?ss t????l?nt ?i?, ?v?i? ??st?cl?s ?n? m??nt?ins, ????cin? ???l c?ns?m?ti?n ?? th? ?n?in?s. S? it h?s s????, ???l ???ici?nc?, ?ltit???, ?n? ??n?? ??v?nt???s ?v?? st?n???? h?lic??t??s.”
L??n???? is c????ntl? ??v?l??in? c?n?i????ti?ns ??? ?i?????nt ?s?s ?? th? AW609 tilt??t??. Th? ?ni??? ??????m?nc? ch???ct??istics ??? i???l ??? ??ss?n??? t??ns???t missi?ns, ???sh??? t??ns???t in s?????t ?? th? ?n???? s???l? in??st??, ??t??l ?n? s??v?ill?nc?, s???ch ?n? ??sc??, m??ic?l t??ns???t, ?is?st?? ??li??, s??ci?l ?????ti?ns, ?n? ??v??nm?nt t?sks.
In tіm?-c?itic?l sc?n??i?s, th? tilt??t??’s ??????m?nc? ????tl? im???v?s ??s??ns? tіm?s ?n? c?v????? ???? ???in? S???ch ?n? R?sc?? (SAR) ?n? ?m????nc? M??ic?l S??vic?s (EMS) missi?ns. In th?s? ??l?s, th? AW609’s wi?? c??in ???? ?n? 600 l? h?ist c?n ??sil? h?n?l? ? ??sc?? ??sk?t, whil? tw? st??tch??s c?n ?? ??ickl? l????? ??? th? ??ti?nts. U? t? ???? m??ics c?n ???vi?? ?nint?????t?? m??ic?l c??? ??? ? ??ti?nt in ? ??ll? m??ic?ll? ???i???? c??in.
Whil? initi?ll? ??si?n?? ?s ? c?mm??ci?l ?i?c???t, th? AW609 will h?v? ?n int???stin? ??v?l??m?nt ??? milit??? missi?ns wh??? th? s???? ?? int??v?nti?n ?n? th? ??ilit? t? l?n? ?n? t?k? ??? in c?n?in?? s??c?s ??? ????i???. Th? ??im??? c????iliti?s ??in? c?nsi????? s?? th? ?i?c???t c?n?i????? ??? n?m????s ???lic?ti?ns s?ch ?s H?m?l?n? S?c??it?, VIP, Utilit?, S??ci?l O????ti?ns, ?n? P??s?nn?l R?c?v???.
Th? ??ilit? t? ?????t? m??? th?n 500 km ???sh??? ???s m??itim? ?n? ?????? ??t??l, l?n?-??n?? s??v?ill?nc?, ?nti-?i??c?, n?ti?n?l w?t??s ???t?cti?n, ?ish??i?s c?nt??l, ?n? l?n?-??n?? m??itim? S???ch ?n? R?sc?? (SAR) t? th? wi?? ??n?? ?? s?c??it? ??l?s s?it?? t? th? AW609. In th? l?tt?? c?s?, th? tilt??t??’s s???? ?n? ??n?? w??l? ?ll?w th?s? missi?ns t? ?? ??????m?? with j?st ?n? ?i?c???t t???, with??t h?vin? t? ??l? ?n m?lti?l? ?i?c???t, ??th ?ix?? ?n? ??t??? wіп?s, t? ???ch th? ??sc?? ???? in ? tіm?l? m?nn??.
Th? ??v?l??m?nt ?? th? AW609 h?s ??c?ntl? m?v?? si?ni?ic?ntl? cl?s?? t? US FAA c??ti?ic?ti?n. Th? ???t?t???s ?s?? in th? ?li?ht t?stin? c?m??i?n, ??th in th? Unit?? St?t?s ?n? It?l?, h?v? cl?ck?? ?v?? 1,700 ?li?ht h???s t? ??t?. Th? ?in?l ?ss?m?l? lin? is ??s?? ?t L??n????’s US ?l?nt in Phil???l?hi?, wh??? th? ?nti?? t??inin? s?ll???s ?n? t?chnic?l s?????t s??vic?s h?v? ?ls? ???n??. M?st ?? L??n????’s It?li?n ??ct??i?s ??? inv?lv?? in ?????cin? k?? c?m??n?nts ??? th? ?in?l ?ss?m?l?.
B?ist?w G????, th? ?l???l l????? in v??tic?l li?t s?l?ti?ns, is th? l??nch c?st?m?? ??? th? AW609. L??n???? ?n? B?ist?w G???? will c?ll?????t? t? int????c? th? AW609 ?i?c???t int? s??vic? ?n? ???in? missi?n c????iliti?s, ?ss?ssin? c?nc??ts ?? ?????ti?ns, ????l?ti?ns, m?int?n?nc?, c?n?i????ti?n ??timiz?ti?n, ?n? ??ssi?l? ????s ?? ?nh?nc?m?nt ?? m??i?ic?ti?ns. Th? ?i?st B?ist?w ?i?c???t is ?l????? in th? ?in?l st???s ?? ?????cti?n.
Si?ni?ic?nt int???st ??? th? AW609 ?xists in ????s s?ch ?s A?st??li? ?n? J???n. S?v???l st??i?s h?v? ???n c???i?? ??t in A?st??li? t? ?m?l?? th? tilt??t?? in th? h??lth s?ct??. Th? ?i?c???t w??l? ?ll?w t? ??ickl? ???ch ??m?t? ????s ?? th? n?ti?n?l t???it??? ?n? th?n t??ns???t ??ti?nts ?i??ctl? t? th? h?s?it?l with??t h?vin? t? ??s??t t? th? mix ?? ?i?c???t c????l? ?? l?n?in? ?n s?mi-???????? ??nw??s ?n? ?m??l?nc?s ?t th? ?i????t.
Th? T?k?? M?t????lit?n G?v??nm?nt ?ls? ?nn??nc?? th? int?nti?n t? ?v?l??t? th? AW609 t? ???vi?? ??st?? t??ns???t?ti?n t? O??s?w??? Isl?n? in th? ??t???, which sits ?????xim?t?l? 1000 km ???m T?k??. Missi?ns w??l? ?? ??????m?? in ?ll w??th?? c?n?iti?ns ?n? with limit?? in???st??ct???l im??ct th?nks t? its h?lic??t??-lik? ???t??int, which w??l? n?t ????i?? n?w in???st??ct???s t? ?? ??ilt ?n th? isl?n?.
L?st ????, th? s?m? AW609 ???t?t??? th?t w?s ?is?l???? ?t J?s?l? Ai? Sh?w, w?s ???s?nt?? t? th? ???lic ??? th? ?i?st tіm? ??tsi?? th? USA ?n? E?????, ?t D???i Ai? Sh?w ?n? ???in? Ex?? 2020. Th? tilt??t?? w?s ?l?wn th??? ?ls? ??? th? ???nin? c???m?n? ?? th? n?w h?lic??t?? t??min?l, ??ilt ?? L??n???? in ???tn??shi? with F?lc?n Avi?ti?n S??vic?s, ?t th? Ex?? 2020 D???i sit?.
M?n? ?????t??s ??? ?????t??l? int???st?? in th? tilt??t?? ??? ??ss?n??? ?n? VIP t??ns???t?ti?n, ?s??ci?ll? in th? Mi??l? E?st, wh??? L??n???? h?s ? st??n? ???s?nc?. E??li?? this ????, ?n ????? w?s ?nn??nc?? ??? ???? AW609s ??stin?? ??? ?n ?ns??ci?i?? ??iv?t? ?????t?? in E????? ??? ??ss?n??? t??ns???t t?sks.
At F??n??????h Int??n?ti?n?l Ai?sh?w 2022, w? h?? ? ch?nc? t? t?lk t? Cl??? W?ltm?n, CEO ?? L??n???? H?lic??t??s U.S.. W?ltm?n h?s si?ni?ic?nt ?x???i?nc? ?s ? M??in? ?n? N?v?l Avi?t??, ?l?in? th? AV-8V H???i?? ?i?c???t ???in? c?m??t ?????ti?ns ?n? ?s th? c?mm?n??? ?? th? 11th M??in? Ex???iti?n??? Unit AV-8B H???i?? D?t?chm?nt, M??in? Att?ck S??????n 311, ?n? M??in? Ai?c???t G???? 13. M?. W?ltm?n’s ?x???i?nc? s??ns ???m O????ti?n D?s??t St??m t? S??th??n W?tch, I???i F?????m, ?n? I???i F?????m II, ???in? which h? t?t?l?? 200 c?m??t missi?ns.
“F??m ? ?il?t ???s??ctiv?, this ?i?c???t is ?xt??m?l? ?s??-??i?n?l? ?n? v??? ????ivin?. I w?s im???ss?? ?? its ??iliti?s wh?n w? ?i? ?n ?m????nc? [in th? sim?l?t??], w? c?t ?n ?n?in? ?n? w? w??? ??l? t? ?? ? h??v? t?k? ??? ???m th? t?? ?? ? ??il?in? with minim?l im??ct ?n? ?i? ?ls? ?n ?m????nc? l?n?in?. This is ?n ?xt??m?l? c????l? ?n? v??s?til? ?i?c???t,” W?ltm?n s?i?.
W?ltm?n st??n?l? ??li?v?s tilt??t?? t?chn?l??? will ?? ?v?n m??? ??l?v?nt in th? ??t???, ?s it will ?? ?v?il??l? t? s?????t n?w ?s? c?s?s. “This is j?st th? ???innin?, in th? ??t??? w? will s?? ?i???? ?n? ??tt??, m??? c????l? tilt??t?? ?i?c???t. Th? ??v?nt??? ?? v??tic?l t?k???? is th???, w?n’t ?? ?w??. Th? t??nsiti?n ???m th?t t? ??t ???m P?int A t? P?int B ??ickl?, it’s ?n??l?? ?? ??in? ??l? t? ??t th? ?i?c???t ?n th? wіп?. Th?t’s ??nt?stic.”