They discovered 8 puppies in a knotted garbage bag while they were hungry and in distress.

Unfortunately many animals survive in deplorable conditions because they are abandoned, there are people who attempt the lives of these innocent beings without caring about their suffering.

These 8 puppies were found inside a tied garbage bag, malnourished, afflicted and weak, they lay waiting for someone to help them.

The Argentine doggo puppies were abandoned in the municipality of Brianzolo, in the Italian province of Lombardy.

It is presumed that the dogs had been there for several minutes after they tried to throw them into the river, possibly they could not achieve their goal due to the thick vegetation that was on the edge of the road.

A woman who found them when she was passing through the place alerted the police.

They estimate that the dogs are a little over two months old , the staff of the Fusi di Lissone dog shelter transferred them to the Enpa di Monza, a clinic where they were evaluated by veterinarians.

They were so extremely thin that it is presumed that they were fed solely with breast milk for their first weeks of life.

When they regain their strength, they will be vaccinated and put up for adoption, they have already received the first requests from families who want to give them the opportunity to be loved and protected in a home.

The poor remained locked in a black bag a few meters from the riverbed , if that woman had not heard her cry, unfortunately the dogs were waiting for a fatal outcome.

All the adorable white puppies were crying desperately, the rescue was not easy, the recovery conditions were not easy because even though the water level was not high enough, a slight movement could aggravate the situation.

To save them, they made a kind of human chain that allowed them to descend and take the puppies out of the bag.

The veterinarians assured that they were alarmed when they saw them due to their state of extreme malnutrition:

“The dogs are two and a half months old, but they look like one. We think that they were fed with mother’s milk without any kind of food supplement even though they had to be weaned for some time. Now they eat and drink with a normal appetite,” said one of the doctors who treated them.

Before long, everyone will be ready to be part of a new family.

The authorities investigate the case, looking for the person responsible for the incident. We hope that the puppies, who have had another chance to live, are always loved and protected as they deserve. Share it.

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