A dog enters a race and defeats the fastest competitor

There are many dog breeds around the world, all of them with different temperaments and qualities that differentiate them from each other. But, if we talk about speed, we will have to refer to the hairy arrow that is the protagonist of our next story.

A scene as crazy as it was funny took place on the race track at Logan High School, located in the state of Utah, United States. When the starting gun sounded for a 4 X 200 competition, the participants never imagined what would happen at the finish line.

Right at the end of the race, a dog appeared on the athletics field to show that it has no rival. The hairy girl ran after the competitors and surpassed them one by one until she was crowned the undisputed champion , in the best style of the Jamaican Usain Bolt.

She beat out student Gracie Laney , who is in her final year at the institution. The girl was millimeters from winning the joust , but she lost by a devilishly fast nose and legs.

Blood, sweat and tears it took Laney to put himself in first place. However, when she noticed the animal, more than worrying about winning, she was careful not to stumble and hurt the dog, so she didn’t mind coming second.

Before the final steps, the young woman had not yet realized who that fearsome competitor was who threatened to snatch her place of honor. However, the dog had been following her for 30 meters behind .

The images were shared in a video that spread like wildfire on social media. The scenes show how in the last meters of the race, this small but very fast hairy seems to fly, wearing a leash on its snout .

“At first, I thought it was another rider and I was surprised because we had a pretty good lead. As she got closer I thought, ‘That’s too small to be a person,’ and then I realized she was a dog,” added the young woman.

Happily, Gracie put her desire to win on animal welfare first, without ever losing her competitive spirit. She was very careful not to harm the four-legged Carl Lewis/Usain Bolt mix .

“When the dog crossed into my lane, I was afraid that I would trip over her, and then I worried that I might poke her with my quills. It all happened so fast”, added the young athlete.

The truth is that it is not yet known where the animal came from, or who it belongs to . It was not known what happened to him either, but, without a doubt, he starred in one of the funniest moments of these last days of the pandemic.

Share this story with your best friends. We congratulate this athlete dog, fast as an arrow.

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