A dangerous snake calls for rescue after finishing a large piece of prey.

If there is an animal capable of making anyone’s skin crawl just by hearing its name, it is the imposing python snake, which is capable of snatching the lives of the unfortunate beings it feeds on by preventing them from breathing with its gigantic body.

Nobody could believe it

In India, a video was recently released that astonished thousands of Internet users. No one would expect to find a python snake several meters long collapsed because of its food.

Some rangers from the Rumpur area had to rescue the python and then move it to a jungle area, after it ended up unable to move in the vicinity of a village.

Apparently the large python ended up without energy and capacity to move on its own, after swallowing a prey that was too big, yes, even for it. On the snake’s thick body protruded the volume of the animal it had eaten.

Its movements were more than slow, so it did not put up any resistance and gladly accepted the help of the villagers who surrounded it and gathered to help it into the vehicle that would take it to a better place.

With sticks, ropes and even their bare hands, the villagers did their best to place the full weight of the snake, and its fatal passenger inside it, onto the vehicle.

“How impressive to see so many people coming together to help a fearsome snake in distress,” commented one netizen.

After spending a long time hoisting the snake onto the transport, the rangers were finally able to take it into the jungle, resting it as far away from the city as possible to keep it safe.

As shocking as the images may be, the truth is that the snake was not at any health risk and was simply digesting the large prey it had devoured, a process that could take many days.

“Reptiles when engulfing prey go into a state of rest or digestion,” noted one netizen.

We hope that this gluttonous snake can digest whatever it has eaten in peace and that it remains safe in its habitat, as imposing as it alone is.

Acts like these show us that there are still many kind-hearted people willing to help animals in distress, no matter how shocking and gigantic they may be. Perhaps there is still hope that humanity can live in harmony with nature.

It is not known which animal devoured

Don’t leave without sharing this unusual fact with all your friends and never cease to be “zoo-surprised” by the beauty of Nature.

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