An event in Dallas is centered around playing with a pack of dogs, honoring the happiness and companionship that dogs provide to our lives

Fort Worth — Over 70 dog breeds will sniff their way to Dallas next weekend giving canine aficionados the opportunity to meet the pooches in person.

Meet the Breeds Dallas will take over the Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center on June 25 and 26 for a weekend full of pet-friendly fun. The event is sponsored by the American Kennel Club and GF Sports and Entertainment.

Attendees are encouraged to meet and play with packs of dogs in booths that display the breed’s country of origin and history. They can also discover new breeds and figure out what dog works for their specific lifestyle.

Everything from a Norfolk terrier and bearded collie, to an Icelandic sheepdog and yakutian laika will be at the event. Dalmatians, bulldogs, shepherds and pugs, are a few more dog breeds that will sprawl out over the convention center floor.

Attendees can shop gear and gifts as well, along with viewing demonstrations for dog sports and skills such as agility, obedience and scent work. The dogs at the event are there for educational purposes and are not for sale or rescue.

Tickets are $30 per day and a $99 VIP package is available that includes priority seating, a 10% discount on store items and giveaways. Seat Geek is the place to go for tickets.

Although Meet the Breeds is all about dogs, attendees’ pets are not allowed at the event, except for service animals.

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