They capture a helpful dog helping to push his owner’s broken car.

The gesture of a supportive puppy doing everything to give “a friendly paw” to its owner with a damaged car, has gone around the world. Each time, these sweet creatures surprise us with their displays of love that leave many speechless.

Dogs are some of the most loyal animals and excellent adventure companions. And when it comes to a German shepherd, words are not enough to show how far his unconditional love for his favorite humans can go.

But what nobody expects is that a puppy adopts the role of another comrade, as if it were part of the group of friends, and does not hesitate to offer all its help when its best friend needs it .

That if all together, there will be the little loin lending its shoulder and its legs, to demonstrate once again that with him, until the end of the world, yes sir.

A German Shepherd puppy has earned the title of the world’s best friend

This is a surreal and adorable video , recorded in Tunja, Colombia, which has begun to circulate on social networks, melting the hearts of millions of Internet users.

It was the user Félix Martínez Martínez who captured the scenes and spread them on the networks, after he could not believe what he had in front of his eyes.

The puppy did not hesitate to lend his paws for a good cause

It turns out that the adorable little loin that everyone has already called Firulais, got ready, like one of his friends, to help push his owner’s broken-down car.

Certainly, having your car break down in traffic is an experience that no one wants to go through. Except if you have the best friends to come to your aid, and if you add to that a dedicated puppy, things change color.

In the blink of an eye, not only unknown passersby and friends of the owner joined in pushing the car, but his faithful little dog, instead of getting all comfortable inside the car, thought it would be very inconsiderate of him not to help.

The drivers were stunned to see him make an equal effort to keep up with his owner’s friends, helping him out of trouble.

The supportive puppy stole all eyes

«This is the moment when you know who is a true friend, hehehe. Grande Spike. Tunja-Boyacá, Colombia”, is read next to the video that accumulates thousands of views.

The scenes did not take long to generate thousands of comments from all Internet users moved by such a noble work of the furry.

Although at first everyone thought that it was nothing more than a supportive street loin, then it became clear that he had a collar and whoever recorded the scenes verified when the puppy got out of the car willing to help.

Clearly, the other men who helped were totally taken aback to find themselves supported by a four-legged creature. And the laughter did not allow them to help as much as they would have wanted.

But, they did not want to underestimate his effort, so they decided to allow him his space in the group so that he felt that his collaboration was just as important.

It is not clear how and why this puppy felt the instinct to push the car, but what we do know is that puppies do know something about empathy, solidarity and love. And without a doubt, surely seeing his beloved owner afflicted by him, was what moved him to act like this.

Bravo, Firulais. We hope that its owner has known how to correspond to so much love. They are adorable scenes that warm anyone’s soul and encourage us to value and respect our beloved pets even more.

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