Eat, sleep, play billiards… with 14 tigers and lions.

Mr. Carl Bovard (43 years old) built a small sanctuary in the grounds of his house in Florida (USA) to “live together” with 14 pets including 2 lions, 6 big tigers, 1 cub. lynx, leopard and many other tiger cubs. 

For the past 9 years, Carl has eaten, slept and played closely with the animals considered “forest killers”. Even though he was attacked on the shoulders and neck by his pets many times, the 43-year-old man still did not give up his dream of training them to become his best friends.



An accident that happened 13 years ago caused Carl to lose sight in both eyes. However, suddenly four years later the vision in one eye gradually recovered, and he decided to raise two tiger cubs. Being an animal lover, he always looked forward to seeing them again.


Later, Carl Bovard built a small sanctuary on the grounds of his house in Melrose, Florida. After two tigers, he started adopting lions and lynx. Currently, there are 14 animals in his house and Carl Bovard has lived with them for 9 years.


Every day, Carl still plays, feeds the animals himself and even lets them sleep with him in bed.



Many times Carl Bovard was attacked by animals, or their jokes and caressing ways also injured him, but Carl Bovard still did not give up taking care of dangerous animals.


Every Sunday, Carl has to go to the local market to buy nearly 800kg of meat to feed the animals. You have to spend a lot of money on them.

Carl still raised the animals with love even though local animal protection organizations repeatedly advised him to surrender the animals and not keep wild animals in his home.

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