“Wonderful moment: Traffic stops to let brave mother Leopard guide her cubs safely across the road (Video)”

It’s not every day you see a leopard moving its cubs this young.

Footage filmed in South Africa shows a leopard teaching its cubs one of the most important lessons in a busy national park: how to cross the road.

The video shows the leopard advancing on the road in Kruger National Park to ensure the crossing is safe. Then, once she has determined that there is no danger, the big cat goes to get her two little ones.

But one of the little ones needs a little more help than the other and is screaming for his mother, as can be seen in the images posted online by Latest Sightings.

“This was an extremely rare sighting, and we don’t often get to see a mother leopard move her cubs when they are still so young,” said Thinus Delport, who filmed the scene.

“This video is in honor of all the animals who are locked in cages when they should be in the wild,” the experts wrote.

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