This baby calf was born with two heads, two mouths, two noses, two tongues and three eyes, making the online community extremely surprised.

In a rural area of ​​Quang Nam, Vietnam, an extraordinary and extraordinary event occurred when a buffalo owned by a local resident gave birth to a calf that defied all expectations. This calf was born with two heads, two mouths, two noses, two tongues and three eyes, leaving the community completely amazed.

The owner of this exceptional calf is Mr. Le Van Su, a resident of Tra Long Village in Binh Trung Commune, Thang Binh District, Quang Nam. The birth of the calf took place on August 19 and Mr. Su was present to witness this extraordinary event.

During the birthing process, Mr. Su noticed that the calf’s legs emerged first, followed by an exceptionally large head that seemed impossible to remove naturally. Consequently, he had to intervene and manually assist in the delivery of the calf.

After the birth, Mr. Su was excited to see that the calf had a truly large appearance, with two heads fused together. Surprisingly, apart from the ᴜnᴜѕᴜаɩ heads, the hatchling’s body and limbs appeared completely normal.

The mother buffalo allowed the calf to stand and move normally, but due to the weight and size of its two heads, it had difficulty attempting to nurse from its mother. To address this problem, Mr. Su had to provide fresh milk and bottle feed the calf to ensure its nutrition and well-being.

Despite their efforts, the calf showed signs of weakness and deteriorating health. Mr. Su is hopeful that a research institution or expert can provide support and care to this extrodypic calf as its condition continues to deteriorate.

Mr. Su shared with his doctors about the calf’s health, fearing that it would not survive due to its inability to suck on its own. News of this birth spread quickly, attracting curious onlookers who visited Mr. Su’s home to observe, take photographs and record videos to share on social media platforms such as Facebook. The large number of visitors left them feeling unnerved by their daily farming activities, prompting Mr. Su’s family to close their doors to map the situation.

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