The Great Leopard Sanctuary in Kent has revealed the names of their newest snow leopard cubs. Come take a look, everyone.

The Big Cat Sanctuary in Kent has revealed the names of their newest snow leopard cubs.

The female cub will be known as “Zaya,” and the male cub will be called “Attan”.

It follows a competition where the public voted for their favourite names. It helped to raise more than £6,600 which will be going towards the daily care of the snow leopard family as well as the sanctuary’s end of year conservation donations.

The Big Cat Sanctuary’s Curator, Briony Smith, said: “The public’s participation in naming our snow leopard cubs was truly heartwarming.

“We received an amazing response, and we thank everyone who took the time to cast their votes and be a part of this special moment.

Attan Credit: The Big Cat Sanctuary

“Zaya and Attan are not only ambassadors for their endangered species but also symbols of hope for the conservation efforts we undertake here at The Big Cat Sanctuary.”

The sanctuary says Zaya is the more confident of the two cubs and enjoys playing with the boomer balls and jumping on her mother Laila.

Attan is the more reserved snow leopard cub but he is starting to come out of his shell.

Snow leopards are listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN).

Zaya Credit: The Big Cat Sanctuary

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