Revealing the secrets of “super goats” with incredible vertical climbing abilities

Photo: Jornal Ciencia.

Have you ever sat in a state of deep contemplation, and thought to yourself “…oh boy, I wish I was a goat. I wish I was a mountain goat”…?

No. Me neither, until now…briefly…while looking at photos of these awesome rock-climbing goats. Goats are goats but these are, and I hazard to use the phrase, Super Goats! If these images don’t make you reassess everything you thought you knew about goats, then we’re simply not singing from the same page (the page that, for your information, is covered in goats).

These four images were posted to Facebook last month by Jornal Ciencia and, with over 70,000 shares, have ‘goat’ to be considered a viral success.

Mountain goats are found in numerous North American alpine regions. They use their specialised hooves, made up of two-pointed toes and rough hoof pads, to scale nearly vertical terrain. No matter how good you think you are at rock climbing, this lot are definitely better (they don’t even use safety ropes).

Photo: Jornal Ciencia.
Photo: Jornal Ciencia.

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