Mysterious animals found in the US by NASA (video)

The mystery of an unnamed creature with a 4-foot-tall humanoid was discovered in South America

with such a variety of animals on our planet is perhaps no surprise that researchers are continuously discovering new ones you never quite know what’s gonna be announced next and sometimes they’re beyond belief but that said let’s take a look at 15 of the strangest creatures that have recently been discovered like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bill right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you sleep in number 15 ocean sunfish ocean sunfish also known

as molar mola one of the largest bony fish species on earth when fully grown they can weigh anything between 554 and 2,205 pounds and are on average around 6 feet long their bulk is made up in their width and height though with some specimens measuring ten and a half feet tall and eight feet two from fin to fin they can be found in warmer ocean waters around the world where they hunt their diet of jelly squid and crustaceans they can swim across the various levels of the ocean and have been found ranging between the surface and the sea floor

apart from their unusual looking incredible size one of the most amazing things about this species is that they produce more eggs than any other vertebrate that we know of and can release as many as 300 million at once of course this reflects the low chances they have of reaching maturity as when they’re small they don’t have the same defensive bulk as the adults because of this size when fully grown they have very few natural predators but are commonly targeted by sea lions killer whales sharks and humans time for the

rare topic we found these images that were recently taken by a research team working in South America and as you can see they found something quite extraordinary about four feet tall this creature hasn’t yet been given an official name but it looks like something that’s come straight out of a fantasy movie almost human like in appearance it has extremely long hands and feet and ears that appear to be perfectly adapted to hearing sounds across vast distances in the jungle what do you think it is and if this is a new

species what would you call it remember to comment down below with the hashtag hashtag career topic and let us know your opinion in relation to what we just showed on screen and now to the next topic number fourteen glossy onethis Dyneema the deep ocean is a mysterious place that we are only just starting to learn far more about our Arthur will through a chemical process known as bioluminescence in this world which is flooded with darkness because sunlight can’t penetrate that far down and the various species have developed ingenious

techniques for survival food is scarce and predators have to take every opportunity they can for a meal and one of the most famous types of adaptations is a bioluminescent lure one of the more recent species to be discovered that uses one of these is the lassi Ignatius Dyneema it’s a type of Wolf Trap anglerfish that dangles a light in front of its head to attract other fish those that fall for the trap swim almost directly into its mouth and all it needs to do is bite at the right time this species lives in the northern Gulf of

Mexico at depths of between three and five thousand feet what may surprise you is the difference in size of males and females of all the angler fish species the ones we see images of are the females because the males are much much smaller than so much so than when it’s time to mate they’re actually absorbed into the female’s body and they use as an extra source of nutrition number 13 Atlas chicken monster at first you might be skeptical to hear when animal has been given a Latin name that literally

translates to mean the headless chicken monster but everything becomes clear once you actually see it the species was first seen in 2018 during an underwater dive by a Rover from a team of Australian researchers who were exploring the ecosystem in this southern ocean just off the coast of Antarctica amongst various species they’d seen before this one suddenly appeared and has been identified as a type of deep sea cucumber it uses its wing-like fins to swim through the water and in the video the strange red creature was seen searching

the seabed with its tentacles species like this feed on small particles like algate and can cover large areas every day in their quest for food apart from its appearance which does indeed look like a chicken without a head this species has an adaptation that hasn’t been seen in a siege comer before while they spent most of their lives at the bottom of the ocean these ones are actually able to use their fins to swim upwards which suggests they’re also able to harvest food from the water column headless

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