“Charming Puma (Cougar) Cubs Playfully Interacting with Their Mother”

Nahari, the father, was born at the León Zoo a few years ago and Kayra, the mother, was rescued from the Sierra de Santa Rosa, so they are considered 100% Guanajuato specimens.

Ignacio Ramírez @nachomxn

Today, zoos around the world pursue a different objective, because beyond exhibiting and informing the public about animals, they have become spaces where actions are put into practice for the conservation of those species that are threatened in their habitat. by hunting or by human invasion.

The León Zoo is no exception and for now it has a long tablecloth, since a little less than two months ago three American Puma cubs were born, which have not been removed from the mother and she has responded with the necessary care, allowing them to So far they are stable and strong.

“They are approximately a month and a half old, there are three specimens, we still do not know if they are females or males because it is the first time in the entire history of the zoo that a feline raises its cubs; The truth is that he has done it sensationally and we are very happy and proud,” commented David Rocha Lemus, director of the León Zoo.

Nahari, the father, was born at the León Zoo a few years ago and Kayra, the mother, was rescued from the Sierra de Santa Rosa, so they are considered 100% Guanajuato specimens. The cubs have already had their walks outside the burrow and are enjoying good health, remaining under constant monitoring by the zoo’s veterinarians.

“The mother was rescued from the Sierra de Santa Rosa and the male was born from several generations here at the León Zoo, so a Guanajuato genetic line that is truly very important for the conservation of the species that inhabit our state.”

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