After an examination, the mystery surrounding the gigantic 5.4-meter crocodile’s death was resolved

The large size of the crocodile left the discoverers stunned. According to the Daily Star, a 5.4 meter long crocodile was found dead under mysterious circumstances at the Flag Boshielo Dam near the town of Marble Hall, Limpopo Province, South Africa.

Rikus Muller, one of the two fishermen who found the body of the giant crocodile, shared with Newsflash: “We were fishing on the night of October 10 when we saw something floating on the surface of the water. “As we got closer, we were horrified to see that it was the hind leg of a crocodile.”

The fishermen approached the creature to get a closer look. “I thought he might be dead, so I poked him with my net,” Muller said.

Both men wanted to investigate what caused the death of this gigantic “monster,” but it was already dark outside. They decided to return the next morning.

To give an idea of ​​the immense size of the crocodile, Muller took a photo of his foot next to his hand. The difference in scale was astonishing.

Muller shared the photo with his close friend Martin Theunissen, who was also surprised by the enormous size of the crocodile. They decided to return to the place where they found the creature.

“We found it and brought it ashore to take some photographs. After that, we took the crocodile’s body to the dam wall for further inspection,” Muller said.

After a thorough examination, it was revealed that the cause of the crocodile’s death was ingestion of too many fishing nets.

The discovery of this giant crocodile has shocked many people. However, the autopsy revealed that the creature’s death was caused by human negligence. It serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting and preserving the wildlife around us.

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