Amidst an unusual twist, a man buys a distressed leopard from the zoo. Delve into the unique life of the ‘fortunate owner’ and his family managing the challenges of caring for this intriguing yet dangerous pet

Alexander loved animals since childhood, and found a job that suited his interests. Working as a zookeeper, he had to monitor the predators’ enclosures. Spending a lot of time with his favorite animals, he became friends with them. And they began to behave with the caretaker like big domestic cats.

In a short period of time, several unpleasant events occurred at once. First, one of the leopards died of old age, and his neighbor became very sad.

Leopards also become attached to other animals and people
Leopards also become attached to other animals and people

And then the owner of the zoo began to have financial difficulties, and it was decided to close the establishment. A fuss began, putting the animals into a state of stress.

Alexander felt sorry for the sad leopard Caesar, and he decided to take him to live with him, and did not regret it. The man got a magnificent pet. Although difficult to care for. But the kitty bun does not bring any comfort to either the mother or the baby from the “Mother for the First Time” channel . On the contrary, he plays with the baby and pleases everyone present in the house. To read more about family values ​​SUBSCRIBE

The former zookeeper took a very responsible approach to arranging a place for the leopard: he allocated a place and equipped an enclosure.

Lying on the master's bed is a must
Lying on the master’s bed is a must

After that, he bought Caesar from the former owner. The leopard, finding himself in a homely atmosphere, completely forgot that he was still a dangerous predator. He strokes and purrs, lies on the master’s bed. He loves to be scratched and hugged.

At the same time, he does not perceive Alexander as a master, rather as a friend. But Alexander is quite happy with this role.

Alexander's T-shirt suits Caesar
Alexander’s T-shirt suits Caesar

Despite the apparent simplicity of their life together, Alexander admits that caring for a leopard requires a lot of time, effort and finances. Caesar has a complete diet. He eats a lot of raw meat and takes vitamins. Plus, you always need to be careful, because a leopard is still slightly larger than a house cat.

What genuine tenderness
What genuine tenderness

Alexander has experience communicating with predators. He knows that the leopard needs to be interacted with daily. This allows them to remain a kind of family. And all sorts of nonsense does not occur to Caesar.

Kevin Richardson also easily finds a common language with any predators . We told his story in our Telegram.

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Would you like a cat like this? Or are you afraid? Share your opinion in the comments.

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