Arch nemesis: Mongoose’s incredible victory over the ‘world’s largest’ snake thanks to a daring tree climb

Tragic fate befell a colloquial snake, when it was resting in a tree in Etosha National Park, Namibia, when it was suddenly attacked by a mongoose.

After climbing the tree, the mongoose jumped onto the body of the colloquial snake, gradually approaching the head of the highly ʋenormous reptile.

The colloquial snake tried to crawl away, while trying to shake off and shake off the mongoose that was clinging to its body.

However, all efforts were fruitless, the colloquial snake could not move while the mongoose continued to sink its sharp teeth into its head.

Elana Erasmus, a tourist from South Africa, captured the entire scene. Some snakes may wrap themselves around the mongoose in a desperate attempt to defend themselves or try to attack the attacker with an extremely poisonous substance.

According to eyewitness Erasmus, there were several occasions when the mongoose slipped from a tree, but immediately climbed upwards, determined to “????”, the colloquial snake.

After a while of fighting, the colloquial snake was exhausted from its injuries and had to agree to bring food to the cheeky mongoose.

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