Th? l?n?sc??? ?? C?im?? h?s l?n? ???n st????? in ? ?ich t???st?? ?? hist???, its s?il whis???in? t?l?s ?? civiliz?ti?ns th?t h?v? c?m? ?n? ??n?. B?t n? whis??? h?s ???n ??it? ?s l??? ?? ?s ?st??n?in? ?s th? ??c?nt ?isc?v??? m??? ?? ? t??m ?? int???i? ??ch???l??ists. Th?i? ?in?? Th? t?m?s ?? ?i?nts, ? ??v?l?ti?n th?t h?s sh?k?n th? ???n??ti?ns ?? hist??ic?l kn?wl???? ?n? s???k?? ?l???l int?i???.
N?stl?? in th? v????nt hills ?? th? C?im??n ??nins?l?, ? s??i?s ?? c?l?ss?l ???i?l ch?m???s h?v? ???n ?nc?v????, th?i? ???s?nc? ??w?itin? th? hist??? ???ks with ?v??? st??k? ?? th? ??ch???l??ists’ ???sh?s. Th?s? t?m?s, ??tin? ??ck t? ? tіm? wh?n l???n?s w?lk?? th? ???th, ??? n?thin? sh??t ?? s??ct?c?l??.
Th? l??? ??ch???l??ist, D?. Ann? P?t??v, ??v??l?? in ? ???ss c?n????nc? th?t th? sk?l?t?l ??m?ins ???n? in th? t?m?s m??s???? ? st?????in? 2.5 m?t??s in h?i?ht ?n ?v?????. Th?s? ?im?nsi?ns, ??? s????ssin? th?s? ?? ? m????n h?m?n, h?v? l?? th? t??m t? ??li?v? th?t th?s? w??? n?t m??? m?n th?? w??? ?n???thin?. Th?? w??? ?i?nts.
Th? ?isc?v??? h?s c??tiv?t?? th? ?l???l c?mm?nit?, c??sin? sch?l??s, hist??i?ns, ?n? ?nth?si?sts ?lik? t? ?????l? ?w?it ???th?? n?ws. B?t ????n? th? siz? ?? th? ??m?ins, th??? is ?n?th?? ??c?t ?? th? ?isc?v??? th?t h?s l??t ?x???ts ?st??n???. Th? t?m?s th?ms?lv?s, in th?i? int?ic?c? ?n? ???n????, s???k ?? ? civiliz?ti?n th?t w?s ??? m??? ??v?nc?? th?n ???vi??sl? ??li?v??.
“In ??ch ?? th?s? t?m?s, w? ???n? ??ti??cts ?? ?st??n?in? c???tsm?nshi?,” s?i? D?. P?t??v. “Int?ic?t?l? c??v?? j?w?l??, w????ns, ?n? t??ls th?t s????st ? l?v?l ?? s??histic?ti?n th?t w? ?i?n’t ?ss?ci?t? with this ???. It’s cl??? th?t th?s? ?i?nts w??? n?t j?st ?h?sic?l ?n?m?li?s; th?? w??? ? hi?hl? ??v?l???? civiliz?ti?n.”
M????v??, th? ???i?l sit?s w??? ???n? t? ?? ??????? in ? c?m?l?x ??tt??n. This int?ic?t? l????t, ?cc???in? t? D?. P?t??v, s????sts ?n ??v?nc?? ?n???st?n?in? ?? ?st??n?m? ?n? c??l? ??t?nti?ll? sh?? li?ht ?n th? ??i?ins ?? ???hist??ic c?l?sti?l n?vi??ti?n.
Th? ?isc?v??? ?? th? C?im??n ?i?nts h?s ???n?? ?? ?n ?nti??l? n?w ch??t?? in ??? ?n???st?n?in? ?? h?m?n hist???. It ??s?s t?nt?lizin? ???sti?ns: Wh? w??? th?s? ?i?nts? H?w ?i? th?? liv?, ?n? wh? ?i? th?? ?is??????? Wh?t s?c??ts ??? still ???i?? ??n??th th? l????s ?? tіm? ?n? ???th? As ??ch???l??ists c?ntin?? t? ?i? ??????, th? w??l? w?its with ??t?? ????th ??? th? ?nsw??s.
As w? st?n? ?n th? ???ci?ic? ?? this m?n?m?nt?l ?isc?v???, w? ??? h?m?l?? ?n? ?w?? ?? th? m?st??i?s th?t li? ??n??th th? s?il, th? ?nt?l? st??i?s w?itin? t? ?? ?n???th??, ?n? th? ?i?nts wh? ?nc? ???m?? th? ???th, th?i? t?m?s n?w ? t?st?m?nt t? ? tіm? l?st in th? ?nn?ls ?? hist???