Th? m?mmi?i?? ??m?ins ?? ? ???min?nt m?n wh? w?s ??m?m????? ??? h?vin? c?mmissi?n?? ??tistic ??????m?nc?s th?t w??? ??????m?? in G???k h?v? ???n ??t?i?v?? ???m ? t?m? in P?m??ii. Th? ???i?l is ??m??k??l? in s?v???l w??s, n?t l??st ??? h?w w?ll it h?l??? ???s??v? th? m?n’s ??m?ins, which incl??? h?i? ?n? ???t ?? ?n ???.
P?m??ii’s L?t?st M?mmi?i?? R?m?ins T?ll Us M???!
Alth???h P?m??ii is ??m??s ?s ? sit? ???z?n in tіm? ??? t? th? v?lc?nic ????ti?n ?? n????? V?s?vi?s th?t ?cc????? in 79 AD, ? ????t ???l ?? th? ????nic m?tt?? w?s incin???t?? ?? th? ????t h??t ?? th? l?v? th?t ?n??l??? th? cit?. A?t?? th?t ?ll th?t w?s l??t w??? th? ???? ??n?s ?? th? victims ?n? ?vi??nc? ?? th?i? ?ltim?t? ?li?ht ?n? ?li?ht . On? ??c?ntl? ?isc?v???? ⱱісtіm’s ??m?ins incl???? his ???in, which w?s vit?i?i?? ?? th? ?xt??m? h??t .
H?w?v??, this l?t?st ?in?, sh???? in ? ?????t ?? P?m??ii Sit? ???ss ??l??s? , ?????s tw? n?w t???s ?? ?vi??nc? t? h?l? ??sc?i?? li?? in this ??scin?tin? l?c?ti?n. Th? t?m? ??t?s t? th? l?st ??c???s l???in? ?? t? th? n?t???l ?is?st?? th?t ????ll th? ????. It incl???s ? c?mm?m???tiv? insc?i?ti?n th?t ??sc?i??s ?l?m?nts ?? th? m?n’s li??. An? ??m??k??l?, ????nic m?tt?? in th? ???m ?? th? m?n’s skin, h?i? ?n? ?v?n ?n ??? h?v? s??viv?? th? c?nt??i?s.
P??t? S??n?: Th? N?c????lis ?? P?m??ii
Th? ??m?ins w??? ???n? in th? P??t? S??n? n?c????lis in th? ??st??n s?cti?n ?? th? P?m??ii c?m?l?x, which is th? l?c?ti?n ??? th? l?t?st inv?sti??ti?ns ?? th? w??l?-??m??s P?m??ii sit?. Th? ?xc?v?ti?ns h?v? ???n c???i?? ??t ?? th? A?ch???l??ic?l P??k ?? P?m??ii ?n? th? E??????n Univ??sit? ?? V?l?nci?.
Th? ??s???ch??s ??? c??t?in ?? wh? th? m?l? ⱱісtіm w?s ??? t? th? ???s?nc? ?? th? insc?i?ti?n ?n ? m???l? ?l???? ?tt?ch?? t? th? t?m? ??ç???. Th? insc?i?ti?n s??s his n?m? w?s M??c?s V?n??i?s S?c?n?i? ?n? m?nti?ns th? G???k l?n????? ??????m?nc?s h? s??ns????.
Th? t?m? ?? M??c?s V?n??i?s S?c?n?i? ?isc?v???? ?t P??t? S??n? n?c????lis, P?m??ii, with th? m?m??i?l ?l???? visi?l?. ( P?m??ii Sit?s )
This h?s ???vi??? th? ?i?st ?i??ct ?vi??nc? ?? th? m?ltic?lt???l n?t??? ?? P?m??ii?n s?ci?t?. C?mm?ntin? in th? P?m??ii Sit?s ??l??s?, D??i? F??nc?schini, It?li?n Minist?? ?? C?lt??? w?s ??li?ht?? t? ??v??l:
“P?m??ii n?v?? c??s?s t? ?m?z?, ?n? h?s c?n?i?m?? h?? ?l?c? in ? st??? ?? ????m?ti?n, ?s ?n int??n?ti?n?l ??l? m???l, ?n? ? ?l?c? wh??? ??s???ch ?n? n?w ??ch???l??ic?l ?xc?v?ti?ns ??? t?kin? ?l?c? ?nc? m???, th?nks t? th? m?n? ?????ssi?n?ls in th? ?i?l? ?? c?lt???l h??it???, wh? with th?i? w??k n?v?? c??s? t? ?????c? ?xt?????in??? ??s?lts ??? th? w??l? which ??? ? s???c? ?? ??i?? ??? It?l?.”
Th? ?l???? th?t ??v??ls ? m?lti-c?lt???l cit?. ( P?m??ii Sit?s )
M??c?s V?n??i?s S?c?n?i? : F??m Sl?v? t? St?t?s
M??c?s V?n??i?s S?c?n?i? w?s ?t ?n? tіm? ? ???lic sl?v? ?n? ? c?st??i?n ?? th? T?m?l? ?? V?n?s. H?vin? ??t?in?? his ??????m ???m sl?v???, h? ???ch?? ? c??t?in s?ci?l ?n? ?c?n?mic st?t?s, ?s is ?vi??nc?? ?? th? l?vish t?m? ?n? in th? insc?i?ti?n.
Th? ??it??h n?t?s th?t h? j?in?? th? ??nks ?? th? A???st?l?s, ?? th? c?ll??? ?? ??i?sts s??vin? th? Im???i?l C?lt. It ?ls? st?t?s th?t th? ?nt?m??? (M??c?s V?n??i?s S?c?n?i?) “??v? G???k ?n? L?tin l??i ??? th? ????ti?n ?? ???? ???s.” L??i w??? ?v?nts c?nsistin? ?? ??m?s ?n? th??t?ic?l ??????m?nc?s ??t ?n ??? th? ?nt??t?inm?nt ?? th? R?m?n ???lic. Th? ??ct th?t th?s? w??? ??liv???? in “G???k ?n? L?tin” is ? v??? t?llin? lin? ??? th? inv?sti??t??s ?n? h?s ?xcit?? ?ll th?s? c?nc??n??.
“It is th? ?i?st cl??? ?vi??nc? ?? ??????m?nc?s ?t P?m??ii in th? G???k l?n?????, which h?? ???vi??sl? ???n h???th?siz?? ?n th? ??sis ?? in?i??ct in?ic?t??s,” ?x?l?in?? Di??ct?? ?? th? A?ch???l??ic?l P??k ?? P?m??ii, G???i?l Z?cht?i???l. “H??? w? h?v? ?n?th?? t?ss??? ?? ? l???? m?s?ic, n?m?l? th? m?lti-?thnic P?m??ii ?? th? ???l? Im???i?l A??, wh??? G???k, th? th?n lin??? ???nc? ?? th? ??st??n M??it????n??n, is in?ic?t?? ?l?n?si?? L?tin. Th?t ??????m?nc?s in G???k w??? ????niz?? is ?vi??nc? ?? th? liv?l? ?n? ???n c?lt???l clim?t? which ch???ct??iz?? ?nci?nt P?m??ii.”
This insc?i?ti?n h?s th?s ???vi??? vit?l ?vi??nc? t? s?????t ? h???th?siz?? vi?w th?t li?? in th? ???i?n w?s in?l??nc?? ?? v??i??s c?lt???s ?n? th?t it w?s ? v??? c?sm???lit?n ???i??.
B?t ?cc???in? t? th? P?m??ii P??k st?t?m?nt th?t is n?t ?ll th? ?in? h?s t? ?????. Th? m?mmi?i?? ??m?ins ?? M??c?s V?n??i?s S?c?n?i? ??? s?m? ?? th? ??st ???s??v?? ??m?ins ?v?? ???n? ?t P?m??ii.
Th? 2000-????-?l? ??m?ins s?m?h?w ??c?m? ???tl? m?mmi?i??, ?n? l??t t??c?s ?? h?i? ?n? ?l?sh ?n th? sk?ll. ( P?m??ii Sit?s )
M??c?s V?n??i?s S?c?n?i?’s Am?zin? P?m??ii R?m?ins
Th? ??c??s?? w?s ???i?? in wh?t ?m??nt?? t? ? h??m?tic?ll? s??l?? ???m m??s??in? 1.6 x 2.4 m?t??s (5 ?t ?? 7 ?t), which w?s sit??t?? ??hin? th? m?in ??ç???. This is n?t t??ic?l ?? ??n????? ?it?s ?? th? tіm?, ?s ???lts w??? n??m?ll? c??m?t?? ?n? ?nl? ???n? chil???n w??? ???i??. B?t l?ckil? ??? th? inv?sti??t??s, it is this s??ci?ic ch???ct?? ?? th? ???i?l th?t ?i??? th? ???s??v?ti?n ?? th? c???s?.
Alth???h ??? ???m ??ll? int?ct, th? ?xt?nt sk?l?t?n ?n? s?m? ????nic m?tt?? ??v??l?? th?t m?n w?s ????n? 60 ????s wh?n h? ?i??.
Wh?th?? th?s? in ch???? ?? th? ???i?l t??k ?xt?? m??s???s in ?n ?tt?m?t t? ???s??v? th? c???s? is ?s ??t ?nkn?wn. P????ss?? Ll???nç Al???nt ?? th? Univ??sit? ?? V?l?nci? ?x?l?in??:
“W? still n??? t? ?n???st?n? wh?th?? th? ???ti?l m?mmi?ic?ti?n ?? th? ??c??s?? is ??? t? int?nti?n?l t???tm?nt ?? n?t. An?l?sis ?? th? ????ic c??l? ???vi?? ???th?? in???m?ti?n ?n this. F??m th? s???c?s w? kn?w th?t c??t?in t?xtil?s s?ch ?s ?s??st?s w??? ?s?? in ?m??lmin?. Ev?n ??? th?s? lik? m?, wh? h?v? ???n s??ci?liz?? in ??n????? ??ch???l??? ??? s?m? tіm?, th? ?xt?????in??? w??lth ?? in???m?ti?n ??????? ?? this t?m?, ???m th? insc?i?ti?n t? th? ???i?ls, th? ?st??l??ic?l ?in?s ?n? th? ??int?? ??ç???, is ?xc??ti?n?l, which c?n?i?ms th? im???t?nc? ?? ????tin? ?n int???isci?lin??? ??????ch, s?ch ?s th?t c?n??ct?? ?? th? Univ??sit? ?? V?l?nci? ?n? th? A?ch???l??ic?l P??k ???in? this ???j?ct.”
Th? ??n????? ??n ??l?n?in? t? th? l??? c?ll?? N?vi? Am??ilis. ( P?m??ii Sit?s )
Wh?t’s m???, in th? s?m? ???i?l ch?m??? tw? cin????? ??ns w??? ???n?, ?vi??nc? ?? ?th?? ????l? in th? t?m? h?vin? ???n c??m?t??. On? ?? th? ??ns, which h?l? ?n ?l???nt ?l?ss c?nt?in??, ??l?n??? t? ? w?m?n c?ll?? N?vi? Am??ilis.
In ???iti?n, ???v? ????s incl??in? tw? ?l?ss ?n???nt??i? ?n? n?m????s ????m?nts ?? wh?t ??????s t? ?? ????ic h?v? ???n ???n? in th? ch?m???.
Tw? ?n???nt??i? ?? t??? v?ss?ls ???n? in th? P?m??ii ???i?l ch?m??? which ??? t??ic?l ?? R?m?n ?n? H?ll?nistic ???i?ls. ( P?m??ii Sit?s )
Th? h?m?n ?n? ????nic ??m?ins ???n? in th? ??n????? c?m?l?x ?? P??t? S??n? h?v? ???n m?v?? t? th? L?????t??? ?? A??li?? R?s???ch ?t th? sit? ?? P?m??ii, wh??? th?? h?v? ?n?????n? ?n?l?sis ?n? c?ns??v?ti?n int??v?nti?ns. At th? s?m? tіm?, th? A?ch???l??ic?l P??k h?s ????n ? s??i?s ?? st??iliz?ti?n int??v?nti?ns, ?im?? ?t ?ns??in? th? m?int?n?nc? ?? th? P??t? S??n? n?c????lis.
Th? n?c????lis is c????ntl? n?t ?cc?ssi?l? t? visit??s sinc? it is l?c?t?? ????n? th? Ci?c?mv?s?vi?n? ??ilw?? lin?, ??t th? ???k h?s l??nch?? ? ???si?ilit? st??? with ? vi?w t? incl??in? it in th? ???? which is ???n t? th? ???lic.
Th? ?xc?v?ti?n ?n? ??c?v??? ?????ti?ns ?? th? Univ??sit? ?? V?l?nci? w??? c????in?t?? ?? P???. Ll???nç Al???nt ?? th? D????tm?nt ?? P??hist??? ?n? A?ch???l???, ?l?n?si?? ??ch???l??ist L??n? T?ni?l?, ??st???? T???s? A???nt?, ?n? ?nth????l??ist V?l??i? Am???tti ?? th? A?ch???l??ic?l P??k.