Scientists Have Created a Chicken With Dinosaur Features in Jurassic Park Version 1.0

In a groundbreaking experiment, scientists have transformed chicken embryos to give them a snout and palate configuration similar to that of small dinosaurs like Velociraptor and Archaeopteryx….

Meet the living fossil of the deep seas, the goblin shark.

Also known as the Living Fossil, this rare species of deep-sea shark is the only extant representative of the Mitsukurinidae family which dates back over 125-million years….

There is a shark on the seafloor that you shouldn’t step on.

Ever wondered what the most special-looking shark species could be? Well, the tasseled wobbegong shark is definitely a good candidate. Sometimes referred to as carpet sharks, these…

Fish Caught in North Carolina That Have ‘Human’ Teeth Draws Attention to an Amazing Species

A fish that has distinct teeth, like humans, has been caught by a fisherman in North Carolina. A photo of the fish was shared on Facebook by Jennette’s…

The rest of the colony is attacked by these literal zombie ants that this fungus transforms into.

Zombies have long captured people’s imaginations, and since they are a huge part of popular culture, we definitely love daydreaming about scenarios where the world is facing…

These Fish in the Deep Sea May Look Terrifying, But They’re Extremely Friendly to People

The wolffish has the face only a mother could love, but it’s surprisingly affectionate. And it produces antifreeze. Could be a nightmare for a kid, but these…

This Fish Hides in the Sand and Stargazes, Ignoring the Fact That It Shocks Like an Eel.

These curious-looking fish have eyes on top of their heads. That’s why they are called Stargazer. In addition to the top-mounted eyes, the stargazer also has a big,…

80 million year old shark It has a snake-like head with insane teeth, and it is still alive.

This incredibly rare prehistoric shark made headlines not long ago, when researchers came across a specimen near the Portuguese coast. No one knows why this species has…

After its discovery, the most alien-like creature ever found left scientists perplexed.

Could it be from another planet? Well, at least it definitely looks like it. French amateur archaeologist, Francis Tully was probably not expecting to stumble upon one…

Actual Existence Of Cute Deer With Vampire Fangs

Planet Earth is home to some seemingly unusual animals that most of us would find extremely odd. The “vampire deer” is one of those creatures. One could…