Defeated the 300kg “monster fish” after a dramatic struggle

Recently, a giant grouper weighing nearly 300kg was hooked by an angler. The man and the “monster fish” had a dramatic struggle before the fish was brought onto the boat.

The event took place in the fishing program of BlacktipH channel, one of the most famous saltwater fishing channels in the world. Jujimufu was not a professional fish hunter.

Ha guc

However, with the bravery and strength of a bodybuilder, he did not hesitate to try the challenge of giant grouper fishing. Right on the first cast, Jujimufu faced a tough challenge. The ferocious giant grouper pulled him into the sea along with the fishing rod. Undeterred , Jujimufu persevered and fought the “giant grouper”.

Ha guc

After a long and dramatic struggle, he successfully defeated the giant fish weighing nearly 300kg. The giant grouper that Jujimufu conquered was 2.5 meters long, a large size for this fish. Goliath Grouper is one of the most ferocious predatory fish in the ocean. They can grow to a length of 3 meters and weigh up to 680kg. This fish lives mainly in shallow tropical waters between coral reefs at a depth of 15 – 50 meters. Their food includes crustaceans, fish, octopuses, young sea turtles, sharks and barracudas. Giant groupers are known for their ferocity and ability to attack divers. 

Bắt được cá mú siêu to khổng lồ nặng gần 160 kg - Lạ vui - Việt Giải Trí

Giant grouper is considered one of the fish species with high economic value. Fish meat is delicious, nutritious and used in many high-class dishes. However, due to overexploitation, the number of giant groupers is decreasing. Currently, many countries have enacted laws banning or restricting giant grouper fishing to protect this valuable resource.

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