Elephant Rescues in the Mara: Inspirational and Restorative Stories

In the vast expanse of the Mara, a heartwarming saga unfolded recently as two elephants were saved from dire circumstances in a single day.

The day began with the distressing sight of a small calf ensnared by a wire trap, his face marred by cuts. Later, a majestic bull, likely injured by spears, also found salvation.

On December 18, urgent calls for assistance led to the deployment of Sky Vets, a specialized initiative to provide swift medical aid to wildlife in remote or critical situations.

Dr. Poghon, a seasoned veterinarian from KWS, was promptly dispatched from Nairobi to the Mara to lead the rescue mission.

The focus initially centered on the calf, whose plight moved all those present. His young face bore the cruel marks of a wire snare, threatening his feeding ability.

With Dr. Poghon’s and his team’s expertise, the calf’s mother was sedated to facilitate treatment, showcasing the challenges of caring for a milk-dependent calf.

Despite the emotional bond between the calf and its herd, the team successfully tranquilized him, removing the wire trap and treating the wound promptly to prevent further harm.

The calf was then reunited with his mother, a touching moment that underscored the resilience of these gentle giants.

Following this success, attention turned to a more significant challenge: a wounded bull located on the edge of the Mara Triangle.

With the assistance of local rangers and organizations like the Mara Conservancy and Anne K. Taylor Fund, the team navigated through dense forests to reach the injured bull.

Despite the fading light, the procedure went smoothly, with the bull receiving treatment for deep wounds likely caused by spears.

With optimism for his recovery, the team administered medications, and so the bull was back on his feet, ready to rejoin his companions.

These successful rescues highlight the dedication of organizations like ours to preserve wildlife and their natural habitats.

We extend our gratitude to our supporters and partners in the Mara, whose generosity and collaboration make these operations possible.





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