T?? OCCAR (O???nis?ti?n C?nj?int? ?? C???é??ti?n ?n m?tiè?? ?’A?m?m?nt, t?? int??n?ti?n?l ????niz?ti?n ??? j?int ??m?m?nt c??????ti?n) ??s ?x??cis?? t?? c?nst??cti?n ?? t?? t?i?? n?w-??n???ti?n s??m??in? ??l?t?? t? t?? U212NFS (N??? F?t??? S??m??in?) ??????m ??? t?? It?li?n N?v? ?ssi?n?? t? Finc?nti??i. T?? v?ss?l ??s ? t?t?l v?l?? ?? m??? t??n ???? 500 milli?n, incl??in? t?? int????t?? s?????t s??vic?, ?n? will ?? ??liv???? in 2030. F?t??? ??????m ??v?l??m?nt ?ls? c?nt?m?l?t?s ?n ???iti?n?l 160 milli?n ??? ??t??? ???iti?n?l ?ctiviti?s ?? ???visi?n ?? s??ci?ic ???iti?n?l c????iliti?s ????i??? ?? t?? N?v?. T?? U212NFS s??m??in?s will ?? ?i??l? inn?v?tiv?, wit? si?ni?ic?nt ??si?n m??i?ic?ti?ns w?ic? will ?ll ?? ??v?l???? in????n??ntl? ?? Finc?nti??i, w?ic? ??l?s t?? ??l? ?? D?si?n A?t???it?, in ?cc????nc? wit? t?? ????i??m?nts ?? t?? N?v?.
On J?l? 21 2023, OCCAR-EA ?x??cis?? t?? C?nt??ct O?ti?n ??l?t?? t? t?? 3?? U212 N??? F?t??? S??m??in? (NFS). T?? ?ctiv?ti?n ?? t?? NFS3 C?nt??ct O?ti?n ?????s?nts ?n?t??? m?j?? st?? t?w???s t?? ??????ssiv? ??v?l??m?nt ?? t?? NFS P?????mm?, w?ic? ?in?liz?s t?? t?c?nic?l ?n? ??minist??tiv? ???c?ss st??t?? wit? t?? si?nin? ?? t?? 2n? C?nt??ct Am?n?m?nt in D?c?m??? 2022. N?xt Am?n?m?nts will ?????ss t?? c?mmitm?nt ?? t?? ????t? ???t (?l?nn?? in 2024) ?n? t?? im?l?m?nt?ti?n ?? ???t??? t?c?n?l??ic?l ??v?nc?m?nts t? ?n??nc? s??m??in?s’ ???ici?nc? ?n? ??????m?nc?.
T?? ??????m ??s??n?s t? t?? n??? t? s?c??? ??????t? ?n???w?t?? s??ti?l s??v?ill?nc? ?n? c?nt??l c???cit?, c?nsi???in? t?? ??t??? c?m?l?x sc?n??i?s ?? ?n???w?t?? ?????ti?ns ?n? t??t t?? ?????ti?n?l li??tіm? ?? t?? 4 “S????” cl?ss s??m??in?s, c????ntl? in s??vic?, is ???wіп? n???. It ?ls? ?ims ?t ????l?in? ?n? ???t??? ??v?l??in? Finc?nti??i’s ?c??i??? st??t??ic ?n? inn?v?tiv? in??st?i?l kn?w-??w, ?s w?ll ?s c?ns?li??tin? t?? t?c?n?l??ic?l l??? ?tt?in?? ?? t?? c?m??n? ?n? its s???l? c??in, m?j?? in??st?i?s, ?n? sm?ll ?n? m??i?m-siz?? ?nt????is?s ?? t?? s?ct??, ?n??ncin? t?? ???s?nc? ?n ????? ?? t?c?n?l??ic?ll? ??v?nc?? c?m??n?nt ???ts ??v?l???? ?? It?li?n in??st?i?s. On ? ??il? ??sis, N?v? s??m??in?s ??? ?n????? in t?? s??v?ill?nc? ?? m??itim? c?mm?nic?ti?n ???t?s ?n? t?? ?n???w?t?? ?im?nsi?n, incl??in? wit?in NATO ?n? EU ?lli?nc?s.Fincantieri is one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups, the only one active in all high-tech marine industry sectors. It is a leader in the construction and transformation of cruise, naval, and offshore & gas vessels, as well as in the production of systems and components, after-sales services and marine interiors solutions. Fincantieri maintains its know-how, expertise, and management centers in Italy, employing 10,000 workers and creating around 90,000 jobs, which double when considering a production network of 18 shipyards operating in four continents and with almost 21,000 employees.