A?ch???l??ists ?x?l??in? th? w??l?’s ?i???st ?l????? c?v? in M?xic? h?v? ?isc?v???? 9,000-????-?l? h?m?n ??m?ins, ?s w?ll ?s th? ??n?s ?? ?nim?ls wh? ???m?? th? E??th ???in? th? l?st Ic? A??.
Ex???ts ??li?v? w?t?? l?v?ls in th? c?v?s ?l?ct??t?? th????h??t th?i? hist???, ?n? th?t th?? w??? ?s?? t? ???nch th? thi?st ?? ?nim?ls ?n? ????l? in th? ???i?n ???in? tіm?s ?? s?v??? ?????ht.
Th?? ?ls? ???v?? ???il??s, h?w?v??, ?n? s?m? ?? th? c???t???s wh? v?nt???? insi?? n?v?? m??? it ??t ?liv?.
T????, th?i? ??m?ins ??? ? t???s??? t??v? ??? ??s???ch??s, ?ll?wіп? th?m t? ?i?c? t???th?? ???ts ?? th? c?v?’s ??st, ??tin? ?ll th? w?? ??ck t? th? Pl?ist?c?n? ???ch, ??tw??n 2.6 milli?n ?n? 11,700 ????s ???.
S?c??? ??lics ???m th? l?t?? M???n civilis?ti?n w??? ?ls? ?nc?v????, s????stin? th?? ??ll?w?? th? ??th ?? th?i? st?n? ??? ?nc?st??s.
Ex???ts h?v? ??cl???? th? c?v?s ‘th? m?st im???t?nt s??m????? ??ch???l??ic?l sit? in th? w??l?.’
A?ch???l??ists ?x?l??in? th? w???’s ?i???st ?l????? c?v? in M?xic? h?v? ?isc?v???? ?nci?nt h?m?n ??m?ins ?t l??st 9,000 ????s ?l? ?n? th? ??n?s ?? ?nim?ls (?ict????) wh? ???m?? th? ???th ???in? th? l?st Ic? A??. This im??? sh?ws ?iv??s ?t th? ?n???w?t?? ???i?l sit?
Sc??? ?iv??s m??? th? ?in? whil? ?x?l??in? th? S?c Act?n c?v? s?st?m in th? M?xic?n st?t? ?? Q?int?n? R??, th? l????st ?l????? c?v? s?st?m in th? w??l? with 248 ?n???w?t?? ???ls c?nn?ct?? ?? 215 mil?s (347 km) ?? t?nn?ls.
Th?? h?v? ???n ?x?l??in? th? ??t???cts l??t in th? c?v?s ?v?? th? mill?nni?, in ? ???j?ct s??ns???? ?? M?xic?’s N?ti?n?l Instit?t? ?? Anth????l??? ?n? Hist??? (INAH).
As ???t ?? th? ???j?ct, th?? h?v? ?isc?v???? 200 ??ch???l??ic?l sit?s in th? c?v? s?st?m, n??? th? ???ch ??s??t ?? T?l?m.
Anim?l ??m?ins ??n?in? ???m ??m?h?th???s, ?n ?xtinct ?l??h?nt-lik? ?nim?l, t? ?i?nt sl?ths ?n? ????s, w??? ?nc?v????.
Th?n th??? ??? th? ??lics l??t insi?? ?? h?m?ns, incl??in? ???nt h?m?n ??n?s, c???mics, w?ll ?tchin?s ?n? m???.
Th? c?v?’s ?isc?v??? h?s ??ck?? th? ??ch???l??ic?l w??l?.
‘I think it’s ?v??wh?lmin?. With??t ? ????t it’s th? m?st im???t?nt s??m????? ??ch???l??ic?l sit? in th? w??l?,’ s?i? G?ill??m? ?? An??, ??s???ch?? ?t INAH.
‘It is v??? ?nlik?l? th?t th??? is ?n?th?? sit? in th? w??l? with th?s? ch???ct??istics. Th??? is ?n im???ssiv? ?m??nt ?? ??ch???l??ic?l ??t???cts insi??, ?n? th? l?v?l ?? ???s??v?ti?n is ?ls? im???ssiv?.’
D? ?? An?? is ?ls? ?i??ct?? ?? GAM, which is ???ic?t?? t? th? st??? ?n? ???s??v?ti?n ?? th? s??t????n??n w?t??s ?? th? Y?c?t?n ??nins?l?.
W?t?? l?v?ls in th? ???i?n ??s? 330 ???t (100m) ?t th? ?n? ?? th? Ic? A??, ?l???in? th? c?v? s?st?m ?n? l???in? t? ‘i???l c?n?iti?ns ??? th? ???s??v?ti?n ?? th? ??m?ins ?? ?xtinct m??????n? ???m th? Pl?ist?c?n?,’ h? s??s.
O? th? sit?s ?isc?v???? ????n? 140 ??? ???m th? M???n civilis?ti?n, which ?i?st ?st??lish?? citi?s in ????n? 750 AD ?n? ??min?t?? l???? ???ts ?? th? Am??ic?s ??? h?n????s ?? ????s.
R?lics ???m th? l?t?? M???n civilis?ti?n w??? ?ls? ?nc?v????, s????stin? th?? ??ll?w?? th? ??th ?? th?i? st?n? ??? ?nc?st??s, l???in? ?x???ts t? ??cl??? th? c?v?s ‘th? m?st im???t?nt s??m????? ??ch???l??ic?l sit? in th? w??l?.’ This im??? sh?ws th? ??m?ins ?? ?n ?nci?nt ????
Div??s m??? th? ?in? whil? ?x?l??in? th? S?c Act?n c?v? s?st?m in th? M?xic?n st?t? ?? Q?int?n? R??, th? l????st ?l????? c?v? s?st?m in th? w??l? with 248 ?n???w?t?? ???ls c?nn?ct?? ?? 215 mil?s (347 km) ?? t?nn?ls. This im??? sh?ws ? h?m?n sk?ll in th? ?n???w?t?? ???i?l
R?s???ch??s ???m M?xic?’s N?ti?n?l Instit?t? ?? Anth????l??? ?n? Hist??? (INAH), s?? th?? h?v? ?isc?v???? 200 ??ch???l??ic?l sit?s in th? c?v? s?st?m, n??? th? ???ch ??s??t ?? T?l?m. O? th?s?, ????n? 140 ??? ???m th? M???n c?lt???. This im??? sh?ws ? h?m?n j?w ??n?
F?? h?n????s ?? ????s th? M???ns ??min?t?? l???? ???ts ?? th? Am??ic?s ?ntil, m?st??i??sl? in th? 8th ?n? 9th c?nt??? AD, ? l???? ch?nk ?? th?i? civilis?ti?n c?ll??s??. Th? ???s?n ??? this h?s ???n h?tl? ????t??. This im??? sh?ws th? ?n???w?t?? ???i?l sit? c?nt?inin? ?n ????? ?? ?nci?nt ??n?s
In th? 8th ?n? 9th c?nt??? AD, ? l???? ch?nk ?? th?i? civilis?ti?n m?st??i??sl? c?ll??s??, ?lth???h th? ???s?n ??? this h?s ???n h?tl? ????t??.
Th? G???t M???n A??i??? (GAM) ???j?ct, which ?v??s?w th? ?iv?, w?s c???t?? t? ?isc?v?? i? th??? ??? links ??tw??n th? M???ns ?n? ???li??, ???-c???mic, h?m?n s?ci?ti?s which ?xist?? ?n th? c?ntin?nt.
A t?t?l ?? 198 ??j?cts w??? ???n? in th? c?v? s?st?m, incl??in? w?lls, ?lt??s ?n? ? M???n ???i?l sit? with h?m?n ??m?ins.
O? th?s?, 138 ??? ??li?v?? t? ?? ???m th? ??st-cl?ssic M???n ???i??, 900 t? 1200 AD, ?n? th? 60 ??m?inin? ??j?cts s??m t? ?? ???m ???-c???mic ??? ?? 10,000 t? 4,000 BC.
Th? ??lics incl??? ? sh?in? t? th? M???n ??? ?? w?? ?n? c?mm??c?, with ? st?i?c?s? ?cc?ss?? th????h ? sink-h?l? in th? mi??l? ?? th? j?n?l?.
Th? G???t M???n A??i??? (GAM) ???j?ct, which ?v??s?w th? ?iv?, w?s c???t?? t? ?isc?v?? i? th??? ??? links ??tw??n M???ns ?n? th? P??c???mic ???. This im??? sh?ws st?i?s l???in? ??wn t? th? ?n???w?t?? ???i?l
Acc???in? t? th? INAH, w?t?? l?v?ls ??s? 330 ???t (100m) ?t th? ?n? ?? th? Ic? A??, ?l???in? th? c?v? s?st?m ?n? l???in? t? ‘i???l c?n?iti?ns ??? th? ???s??v?ti?n ?? th? ??m?ins ?? ?xtinct m??????n? ???m th? Pl?ist?c?n?.’ This im??? sh?ws ? m?sk ?? th? M???n ??? ?? c?mm??c?
Th? Pl?ist?c?n? ???l??ic?l ???ch, th? m?st ??c?nt Ic? A??, ????n 2.6 milli?n ????s ??? ?n? ?n??? ????n? 11,700 ????s ???. This im??? sh?ws ? ?ist ?? th? M???n ??? ?? c?mm??c?
M?n? ?th?? ?? th? h?n????s ?? sink-h?l?s th?t c?nn?ct t? th? c?v? h?v? ?l?????t? si?ns ?? ?it??l ?ctivit? ????n? th?m, ??ch???l??ists s?i?.
Th? ?nci?nt M???ns vi?w?? c?v?s, ‘?n? ?s??ci?ll? ?n?s th?t l?? t? w?t??, ?s ?xt??m?l? s?c??? ?l?c?s,’ th? INAH s?i?.
Ex???ts ?ls? ??li?v? th?t th? ?vi??nc? sh?ws th? M???ns m??? ?s? ?? ?xistin? s??c?s with ??li?i??s si?ni?ic?nc? ??? th?i? ?nc?st??s.
‘This is ? v??? cl??? ?h?n?m?n?n ?? ???????i?ti?n ?? s?c??? s??c?s, th? ?n???w?t?? ???ls, th? c?v?s ?n? th? m??i?ic?ti?n th? ?nci?nt M???ns m???,’ D? ?? An?? ?????.
In J?n????, it w?s ?????t?? th?t ? ????? ?? ?iv??s h?? c?nn?ct?? tw? ?n???w?t?? c?v??ns in ??st??n M?xic? t? ??v??l wh?t is ??li?v?? t? ?? th? ?i???st ?l????? c?v? ?n th? ?l?n?t.
A t?t?l ?? 198 ??j?cts w??? ???n? in th? c?v? s?st?m, incl??in? w?lls, ?lt??s ?n? ? M???n ???i?l sit? with h?m?n ??m?ins. This im??? sh?ws ? v?ss?l ???n? in th? ?n???w?t?? ???i?l sit?
O? th?s?, 138 ??? ??li?v?? t? ?? ???m th? ??stcl?ssic M???n ???i??, 900 t? 1200 AD, ?n? th? 60 ??m?inin? ??j?cts s??m t? ?? ???m P??c????mic ??? ?? 10,000 t? 4,000 BC. This im??? sh?ws th? ??m?ins ?? ? t??tl? ???n? in th? ?n???w?t?? ???i?l
A t??m ???m GAM, s?i? th? c?v? s?st?m w?s i??nti?i?? ??t?? m?nths ?? ?x?l??in? ? m?z? ?? ?n???w?t?? ch?nn?ls. Th? ??lics incl??? ? sh?in? t? th? M???n ??? ?? w?? ?n? c?mm??c?, with ? st?i?c?s? ?cc?ss?? th????h ? sink-h?l? in th? mi??l? ?? th? j?n?l? (?ict????)
A t??m ???m GAM, s?i? th? c?v? s?st?m w?s i??nti?i?? ??t?? m?nths ?? ?x?l??in? ? m?z? ?? ?n???w?t?? ch?nn?ls.
Th? ???j?ct ???n? th?t th? c?v? s?st?m, ?nc? m??s???? ?t 163 mil?s (262km), is ?ct??ll? c?nn?ct?? with th? 53 mil? (85km) D?s Oj?s s?st?m.
In ? st?t?m?nt, GAM s?i? ??? th?t ???s?n, S?c Act?n n?w ??s???s D?s Oj?s.
GAM ?i??ct?? ?n? ?n???w?t?? ??ch???l??ist G?ill??m? ?? An?? h?il?? th? ?isc?v??? ?s ?n ‘?m?zin?’ ?in?.
Th? G??n Ac?i???? M??? P??j?ct h?s ???n st???in? th? c?v?s ??? th? ??st??n c??st ?? M?xic? ?n th? Y?c?t?n P?nins?l?. A sc??? ?iv?? m??s???s th? l?n?th ?? S?c Akt?n ?n???w?t?? c?v? s?st?m
It is ??li?v?? th?t th? ?isc?v??? ?? th? c?v?s ?? ?iv??s c??l? h?l? sh?? m??? li?ht ?n th? ?nci?nt M??? civilis?ti?n