“Funny moment a baby crocodile mistook a giant hippo for a rock”

Crocodile rock: baby snapper enjoys a ride on a hippo’s back after mistaking it for a nice quiet place to rest

This is the hilarious moment a baby crocodile mistook a giant hippo for a rock and lay down on it to rest in the sun.

The cheeky crocodile crawled up the side of the thrashing hippo and lay down on its massive back to relax.Even when the hippo began to move, the young crocodile didn’t take the hint and remained in its position for about 15 minutes before getting off.

But the three-ton beast apparently didn’t seem bothered by the three-foot-long creature that ended up carrying it on its back. The moment was caught on camera in Kruger National Park in South Africa by field guild Richard Millar.

Richard, 21, was hunting the hippo in the water when the crocodile appeared.

He said: ‘I came across this hippo in the water who at first had a heron on his back. Then suddenly this little crocodile crawled over the side and sat on his back.

‘He must have thought he was a rock in the water and just relaxed for a while. They are cold-blooded creatures and need to rest in the sun.

The hippo didn’t seem to care and did nothing to shake off the crocodile. He moved a little but the crocodile stayed there for about 15 minutes.

Hippos and crocodiles are not rivals in nature. A hippopotamus may try to bite a crocodile, but only when it feels that its babies are threatened. ‘It was a once in a lifetime situation. I’m pretty sure I’ll never get another photo like that for the rest of my life.’

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