R?s???ch??s h?v? ??t??min?? th?t sk?l?t?ns ???n? ?t R???k?n? L?k? in In?i? ??l?n??? t? G???ks, ?s st?t?? in th? ?st??n?in? ??s?lts ?? th?i? inv?sti??ti?n int? th?s? m?st??i??s h?m?n ??m?ins.
Th? sk?l?t?ns, ?isc?v???? ?t R???k?n? L?k?, which sits ?t ?n ?lтιт??? ?? ?????xim?t?l? 5,000 m?t??s, ?? 16,404 ???t, w??? ?n?l?z?? ?sin? DNA t? ?in?ll? ??t??min? th? ?thnic ??i?in ?? th? ????l? th?? m?? h?v? ??l?n??? t?.
In ? st?nnin? t??n, ?cc???in? t? th?s? ??s?lts, th? ?i?st ????? ?? sk?l?t?ns ?????? t? h?v? ??l?n??? t? ????l? ??i?in?tin? ???m th? E?st??n M??it????n??n.
Th? ??s???ch??s ???n? th?t th? DNA ?? th? sk?l?t?ns is simil?? t? th? ??n?tic m?k??? ?? G???k ????l? wh? c????ntl? liv? ?n C??t? ?n? ?n th? m?inl?n? ?? G???c?.
G???k, P?kist?ni, ?n? In?i?n sk?l?t?ns ???n? ?t R???k?n? L?k?
Th? ??n?s ??? ??li?v?? t? ??l?n? t? ????l? wh? liv?? ??tw??n 1600 ?n? 1900 AD, with th? m?st ?l??si?l? sc?n??i? ??in? th?t ?? ????l? wh? liv?? ?t s?m? tіm? ????n? th? 1800s.
Th? s?c?n? ????? ?? ??n?s which w?s ???n? in th? s?m? ???? ??? ??? ?l???, ?n? ??t? ?ll th? w?? ??ck t? th? ???? 800 AD.
Th? DNA ?? th? s?c?n? ????? ?? sk?l?t?ns m?tch?s th?t ?? ????l? ???m S??th Asi?, incl??in? m????n In?i?ns ?n? P?kist?nis.
A l?c?l l???n?, which ???sist?? l?n? ?????? th? sk?l?t?ns w??? ???n?, cl?ims th?t ? ????? ?? ????l? ?n ? ?il??im??? t? ? h?l? sit? w??? kіɩɩ?? ?t th? l?k? ???in? ? h??v? h?ilst??m in th? ninth c?nt???.
Th? ??tin? ?? th? sk?l?t?ns t? 800 AD c??l? l?n? c????nc? t? th? ?nc?-m?thic st???.
Th??? is n? l?c?l l???n? ????t ? ????? ?? G???ks visitin? th? ???? in th? 19th c?nt??? th?t c??l? h?l? s?lv? th? m?st???, h?w?v??.
Sci?ntists ?ns??? wh? G???ks visit?? th? l?k?
Th? sci?ntists, wh? ??c?ntl? ???lish?? th?i? ?n?s??l ?in?in?s in th? m???zin? N?t???, h?v? n?t m?n???? t? ??t??min? th? ???s?ns wh? ? ????? ?? ????l? c?m? ???m m????n-??? G???c? t? visit ?n ???? l?c?t?? ?t s?ch ? hi?h ?lтιт???.
Th?? h?v? ?ls? n?t ???n ??l? t? c?m? ?? with ? h???th?sis t? ?x?l?in th? ???s?ns wh? th?? ?ll ?i?? in s?ch cl?s? ???ximit? t? ??ch ?th??, ?? wh? th?i? ???i?s ?t l??st w??? ?l?c?? s? n??? ??ch ?th??.
Thi?t??n ??t ?? th? t?t?l ????t??n sk?l?t?ns in th? ?i?st ????? ??? ??li?v?? t? h?v? ??l?n??? t? G???ks wh? w??? ?liv? ?t ????t th? s?m? tіm?.
Th? ?n?l?s?s ?ls? ??v??l?? th?t th? ????? ?? G???ks h?? ?ll ???n h??lth? ?????? th?? ?ll m?st??i??sl? ?i??, ?n??? ci?c?mst?nc?s which m?? n?v?? ??c?m? kn?wn.
R???k?n? L?k?, l?c?t?? in th? In?i?n st?t? ?? Utt???kh?n?, is ? ??v??it? ??stin?ti?n ??? th?s? wh? visit n??th??n In?i?. It is ?ls? kn?wn ?s th? ”M?st??? L?k?” ?? th? ”L?k? ?? Sk?l?t?ns” ??c??s? ?? th? n?m??? ?? sk?l?t?ns th?t h?v? ???n ???n? in th? ???i?n.
“C?nt??i?s-L?n? S???ch En?s ?s A?ch???l??ists Un???th G?n?his Kh?n’s L?n?-L?st T?m? in M?n??li?”
C?nst??cti?n w??k??s ?m?l???? in ???? ??il?in? n??? th? On?n Riv?? in th? Kh?ntii ???vinc? ?? M?n??li?, h?v? ?isc?v???? ? mᴀss ???v? c?nt?inin? th? ??m?ins ?? m?n? ??z?ns ?? h?m?n c???s?s l?in? ???n ? l???? ???im?nt??? st?n? st??ct???.
F???nsic ?x???ts ?n? ??ch???l??ists w??? c?ll?? ?n th? sit?, which w?s ??v??l?? t? ?? ? M?n??li?n ????l t?m? ???m th? 13th c?nt??? th?t th? sci?ntists ??li?v? t? ?? G?n?his Kh?n’s.
Th? t??m ?? sci?ntists ???ili?t?? with th? Univ??sit? ?? B?ijin? h?s c?ncl???? th?t th? n?m????s sk?l?t?ns ʙ?ʀιᴇᴅ ?n t?? ?? th? st??ct??? w??? m?st lik?l? th? sl?v?s wh? ??ilt it ?n? wh? w??? th?n мᴀssᴀcʀᴇᴅ t? k??? th? s?c??t ?? th? l?c?ti?n.
Th? ʀᴇмᴀιɴs ?? tw?lv? h??s?s w??? ?ls? ???n? ?n th? sit?, c??t?inl? sᴀcʀιғιcᴇᴅ t? ?cc?m??n? th? G???t Kh?n in ᴅᴇᴀтн.
A t?t?l ?? 68 sk?l?t?ns w??? ???n? ʙ?ʀιᴇᴅ t???th??, ?lm?st ?i??ctl? ?v?? th? t?? ?? ? ??th?? c???? st?n? st??ct???
Th? c?nt?nt ?? th? t?m? w?s sc?tt???? ?n? ???l? ??t??i???t??, ???s?m??l? ??? t? th? ??ct th?t th? sit? w?s l?c?t?? ??n??th th? ?iv?? ??? ??? h?n????s ?? ????s ?ntil th? c???s? ?? th? On?n ?iv?? ch?n??? in th? 18th c?nt???. Th? ʀᴇмᴀιɴs ?? ? t?ll m?l? ?n? sixt??n ??m?l? sk?l?t?ns w??? i??nti?i?? ?m?n? h?n????s ?? ??l? ?n? silv?? ??ti??cts ?n? th??s?n?s ?? c?ins.
Th? w?m?n ??? ???s?m?? t? h?v? ???n wiv?s ?n? c?nc??in?s ?? th? l?????, wh? w??? κιʟʟᴇᴅ t? ?cc?m??n? th? w??l??? in th? ??t??li??.
Th? ?m??nt ?? t???s??? ?n? th? n?m??? ?? sᴀcʀιғιcᴇᴅ ?nim?ls ?n? ????l?, h?v? imm??i?t?l? l?? th? ??ch???l??ists t? c?nsi??? th?t th? sit? w?s c??t?inl? th? ʙ?ʀιᴇᴅ sit? ?? ? ???ll? ??w????l M?n??l w??l???.
A?t?? ???lizin? ?n ?xt?nsiv? s?t ?? t?sts ?n? ?n?l?sis, th?? w??? ??l? t? c?n?i?m th?t th? ʙ?ᴅʏ ??l?n??? t? ? m?n ???? ??tw??n 60 ?n? 75, wh? ᴅιᴇᴅ ??tw??n 1215 ?n? 1235 AD.
B?th th? ???, th? ??t?, th? l?c?ti?n, ?n? th? ???l?nc? ?? th? sit? s??m t? c?n?i?m th?t th? t?m? ???s in???? ??l?n? t? G?n?his Kh?n.
Th? sim?l? ??ck ??m? ?isc?v???? ?? th? ??ch???l??ists, w?s ???s?m??l? ʙ?ʀιᴇᴅ ??n??th th? On?n ?iv?? ??? c?nt??i?s. Th? inc?nt?st??l? hist??ic?l im???t?nc? ?? G?n?his Kh?n m?k?s this n?w ?isc?v??? ?n? ?? th? m?st im???t?nt in th? hist??? ?? ??ch???l???.
B??n T?müjin (which m??ns “?? i??n”), h? w?s th? ???n??? ?n? ԍʀᴇᴀтκнᴀɴ (?m?????) ?? th? M?n??l Em?i??, which ??c?m? th? l????st c?nti????s ?m?i?? in hist??? ??t?? his ??mis?. H? is kn?wn ??? ?nitin? th? t?i??s ?? M?n??li? ?n? m???in? th?m int? ?n? ?????? l??nchin? ? s??i?s ?? milit??? c?m??i?ns in cнιɴᴀ, C?nt??l Asi?, th? Mi??l? E?st ?n? ?v?n E?st??n E?????.
H? c?n?????? m??? th?n 31 milli?n s????? kil?m?t??s ?? l?n? ???in? his li??tіm?. His l???c? h?s t?k?n m?n? ???ms ??si??s his c?n???st ?n? c?n still ?? ???n? t????, m?kin? him ?n? ?? th? m?st in?l??nti?l m?n in th? hist??? ?? m?nkin?.
H? c?nn?ct?? th? E?st ?n? th? W?st th????h th? c???ti?n ?? th? Silk R??t?, ? t???? ???t? th?t w??l? ??c?m? ?n? ??m?in ??? c?nt??i?s, th? m?in n?tw??k ?? t???? ?n? c?lt???l t??nsmissi?n in E???si?, ???nin? l?n?-?ist?nc?, ??litic?l ?n? ?c?n?mic int???cti?ns ??tw??n th? civiliz?ti?ns.
G?n?his Kh?n ?ls? h?s ?n inc???i?l? n?m??? ?? ??sc?n??nts, ?s s?m? ??n?tic st??i?s h?v? sh?wn th?t h? c??l? ?? th? ?i??ct ?nc?st?? ?? 1 h?m?n ??t ?v??? 200 wh? ??? ?liv? t????. In M?n??li? ?l?n? ?s m?n? ?s 200,000 ?? th? c??nt??’s 2 milli?n ????l? c??l? ?? G?n?his Kh?n ??sc?n??nts