Homeless Man Saves 10 Stray Dogs, Receives Incredible Act Of Kindness

Driving home in Arkansas, Alicia passed an elderly man on his bike. As she got closer, she noticed he was carrying 10 dogs in the trailer behind him and was having a hard time pedaling. Alicia kept on driving by, but there was something about the sight of all those dogs that stuck in her mind. She told herself that if she ever saw the man again, she would stop and help. “God must have put this man on that road at that time for a reason, because as I was returning to town I saw him,” she recounts on Facebook.

Alicia soon learned that the man, Steve, has been homeless since 2001. He’s dedicated his life to taking in any animal who suffers from neglect, putting whatever money he can to their care. He’s helped over 50 dogs in the last 14 years. When Alicia met Steve, he was in the midst of a 2000-mile journey — with his 10 dogs in tow — to see his girlfriend in Indiana, also a dog lover. Steve’s trailer got a flat tire, so he planned to set up camp under a shady tree so the dogs could rest and relax.

So touched by Steve’s story, Alicia bought food and supplies for the pups. Then, she and her mother took to Facebook for help and set up an online fundraiser. In less than two hours, hundreds of fellow animal advocates banded together. Donations paid for more food, supplies, treats, and a hotel room for Steve and his pack. Kelley Seaton, a kindhearted woman from Tennessee, volunteered to drive the family to Indiana. Once the gang arrived, Steve and his girlfriend were set up with an animal hero named Angela, who runs an organization that specifically works with homeless people and their pets. Angela has been working with the family every day since their arrival.

Also donated was a new trailer for Steve and the dogs, so they’ll never be homeless again. Steve continues to be blown away by the unexpected acts of kindness.

“If it wasn’t for every single one of you, this man might still be pedaling down the road not knowing what hardship he might hit next,” Alicia says.

Follow this amazing family’s journey below, and please SHARE Steve’s story with your friends on Facebook. This is remarkable!

While driving home in Arkansas, Alicia saw a man pedaling his bike and carrying 10 dogs in a makeshift trailer. Neither Alicia nor the man had any idea their encounter would change their lives forever.

Once they got to talking, Alicia learned that Steve has been homeless since 2001. Over the last 14 years, he’s dedicated himself to taking in animals who are neglected and in need of love. Steve and his beloved dogs were in the midst of a 2000-mile journey to see his girlfriend in Indiana. That night, he planned to set up camp so the dogs could rest.

Steve found a kinship with stray dogs; just like him, they had no home. Steve found a sense of family with the dogs, and home became wherever they were, as long as it was together.

But Alicia couldn’t leave the man and his pack. She and her mom took to Facebook and reached out to animal advocates around the country. Within two hours, donations flooded in, and a kindhearted stranger named Kelley volunteered to drive Steve and the dogs to their destination in Indiana.

Steve and the dogs also were gifted with a safe motel room, food, and a warm bed. The pups were treated like kings and queens, and they could not have been happier.

Steve and his girlfriend were also connected with an animal hero named Angela, who runs an organization that specifically works with homeless people and their pets.

Angela has become the family’s savior, working with them every day since their arrival.

Steve will also be getting a new trailer for himself and his dogs so that his family will never be homeless again. He continues to be blown away by the unexpected acts of kindness, and remains in touch with Alicia and her mom.

Steve will receive assistance in spaying and neutering the dogs. His pups will be provided with all the medical care they need and deserve.

Now, with fans and followers around the country — thanks to the power of social media — Steve and his dogs will be safe and happy. “If it wasn’t for every single one of you, this man might still be pedaling down the road not knowing what hardship he might hit next,” Alicia says.

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