I Capture The Magic And Beauty Of The Night Sky In My Mystical Photos (24 New Pics)

I’m Alex, an amateur 37-year-old photographer. I love stories and I love telling them using my pictures. During my long sickness this year (not covid) I had very little time to shoot. I only made a few shots this year and mostly edited them in the hospital to kill some time. The good thing is I had a lot of time to improve some older shots of mine, and here is the result that I’d like to share with all of you, Pandas!

If you’d like to see more photographs taken under the night sky you can find my older posts by clicking here, and here.

More info: lxphoton.com | alexander-forst.pixels.com | Instagram | Facebook | 500px.com



One thing that I’ve learned through my journey as a photographer is the importance of patience. Star photography, in particular, requires a lot of patience. You need to wait for the right conditions, the right moment, and the right light to capture the perfect shot. But it’s not just about patience in the moment of taking the photo, it’s about patience in the editing process as well. Sometimes, it takes hours, even days, to edit a single photograph to get it just right. But the end result is always worth it.





I also believe that photography is a great way to connect with nature and the world around us. When I’m out in the middle of nowhere, under the stars, I feel a sense of peace and tranquility that’s hard to find in everyday life. It’s a reminder to slow down and take in the beauty of the world, even when it seems like everything is moving too fast.





Another thing that I’ve come to appreciate is the power of community. As an amateur photographer, I’ve been able to connect with other photographers, both online and offline, who have helped me grow and improve as a photographer. They’ve shared their knowledge and experience with me, and I’ve been able to do the same for others. It’s amazing how much you can learn from other people who share your passion.





In conclusion, I’m glad that I’ve been able to share my passion for photography with all of you, Pandas! I hope that my pictures have inspired you to look at the world a little differently and to see the beauty in the everyday. I’ll continue to take and share my photographs, and I can’t wait to see where this journey takes me next.




































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