I Endured 3 Hours Of Gale-Force Winds To Capture These Massive Lake Erie Waves, And Here Are The Best 18 Pictures

On 6th November 2018, a classic fall wind storm ripped through the province of Ontario, Canada. With winds forecast to be sustained at 65 km/hr, I knew that I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to capture some cool photos of the big waves!

As I made the 45-minute trek to the small town of Port Stanley, I could barely contain my excitement! It isn’t every day that we get sustained winds of this magnitude. My mind was working overtime envisioning what the stormy weather caused waves would look like when I arrived.


Frosted Tips


As I reached the town, I could see those all too familiar “liquid mountains” blasting up out of the murky depths. I knew that the views of this big storm were going to be one of those memorable days.

I snapped over 1000 beautiful pictures in less than three hours and captured some truly unique Great Lakes Waves. I ended up calling it quits just before dark as my hands were completely numb.


The Skull



The Poodle


The air temperature was fairly mild for this time of year, but the winds made it feel much, much cooler! I put on my warmest winter gear and headed to the water’s edge. The winds were so powerful that lake water was surging quite far inland. I found a spot, sat down, and began to capture the beauty of our Mother Nature. With wind gusts reaching 100 km/hr, it took all that I had to keep myself and my camera anchored in place.


Smoke On The Water



Witch Of November


In the past few years, I have gotten frostbite twice while photographing the beautiful nature in storms, and it caused permanent nerve damage. It’s not a pleasing environment in which to work, but if you have the drive, passion, and dedication to your craft, you learn to work through the pain!

This style of photography tests your dedication and devotion to your craft to the max! It’s definitely not for the faint of heart. I see many people attempt to photograph the waves during these storms and last only mere minutes before having to return to the safety of their cars.


King Of The Sea




Jabba The Hut



You need to get into a “zone” and fight through the less-than-ideal conditions. Putting your complete focus into the task at hand is the key. I’ve twice gotten frostbite during past outings and now have permanent nerve damage in both hands. The cold conditions are now very painful to work in.

My eyes take a constant beating from the relentless pounding of sand and back spray. The stress on my shooting eye from photographing straight for hours at a time, usually results in considerable swelling and bloodshot veins.

So is all of this effort worth the risk? I say 100% yes!





The Destroyer






Steaming Hot






The Bomb



Blow My Hair Back




Raw Power



Smokey Mountain



November Gail



Giant Of The Sea



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