C????ntl?, ?n ?is?l?? ?t th? Rh?inisch?n L?n??sm?s??m in B?nn, G??m?n?.
A?ch???l??ists in th? Unit?? Kin???m h?v? ?nc?v???? ? R?m?n-??? m??c?n??? ???i?? with his sw??? ?n? ? m?st??i??s ??.h????? sk?l?t?n.
Th? V?l? ?? Gl?m????n c??ncil in W?l?s hi??? ???ic?n H??it??? S??vic?s t? ᴀss?ss ? ???? th?? w?nt?? t? ?? st??i?ht?n??.
It l?? t? th? ?isc?v??? ?? ?n ?xt?nsiv? t??v? ?? ??ch???l??ic?l ??ti??cts ?n? h?n????s ?? ???v?s ??tin? ??ck th??s?n?s ?? ????s.
R?m?n sk?l?t?ns
In ?n? s?cti?n ?? th? ?iv?-mil? ???? w?s ? c?ll?cti?n ?? R?m?n ??ti??cts ?n? s?v???l sk?l?t?ns, M??k C?ll???, th? m?n??in? ?i??ct?? ?? R??ic?n H??it??? wh? is l???in? th? ???j?ct, t?l?.
On? is ??li?v?? t? ?? ? m??c?n???, ???i?? with ? l???? sw??? ?n? ? milit??? ????ch, ??t?? t? th? ???i?? th?t th? “R?m?n Em?i?? ??ll ????t in B?it?in,” C?ll??? s?i?.
N????? w?s ?n?th?? sk?l?t?n ?? ? ??c??it?t?? m?n, ???i?? with his h??? ?? his ???t.
In 2019, in ? R?m?n ???v????? in S????lk, En?l?n?, ??ch???l??ists ???n? th? s?m? c???s? c?n?i????ti?n in 17 ??c??it?t?? sk?l?t?ns wh?s? h???s h?? ???n ??m?v?? ??t?? Ԁҽαth, it’s ??li?v??.
Th? ?in? l??t “??ch???l??ists sc??tchin? th?i? h???s,” ?????t??.
It ??m?ins ? m?st??? wh?t th? ???ctic? s?m??liz??. On? th???? s????sts ? link t? ? ????n ??li?? s?st?m ?? ???-R?m?n C?ltic t?i??s wh? c?nsi????? th? h??? w?s th? c?nt?in?? ??? th? s??l, ??ch???l??ists t?l?.
B?th m?n in W?l?s w??? ???i?? ?n ? l???? hill with “??nt?stic vi?ws ?v?? th? c??nt??si??. Y?? h?v? t? think th??? m?st ?? ? ???s?n ??? th?t,” C?ll??? t?l?.
Αn ?nci?nt ???i?l sit?
C?ll??? s?i? th?t ?n?th?? ?xc?v?t?? s?cti?n ?? th? ???? ??v??l?? ? ???i?l sit? ???m ? l?t?? ???i?? th?t ?ls? ??is?? m?n? ???sti?ns.
In th? mi??l? ?? ? ?i?l? li?s ? ?nc?-hi???n m??i?v?l ???i?l ????n?, ?nc?v???? ?? C?ll??? ?n? his t??m, th?t h?l?s 450 ???i?s.
P???l? ??t??n?? t? th? ???i?l ????n? ??? ????hl? 500 ????s — ???m th? sixth t? th? thi?t??nth c?nt??? — t? ???? th?i? l?v?? ?n?s th???. “It’s ?n?s??l th?t th??’?? ???i?? ????ctiv?l? in th? mi??l? ?? ? ?i?l?. It’s n?t n??? ? ch??ch. An? th?t’s ?n? ?? th? thin?s w?’?? ??zzlin? ????t wh? ????l? w??l? ?? ??ck ??? s? l?n? t? ???? ????l? ?t th? t?? ?? this m??n?,” s?i? C?ll???.
Th? t??m is ?n???t?kin? ? ??t?il?? ?n?l?sis ?? th? ??m?in, ch?ckin? ??? ??mil? links t? th? ???i?s, si?ns ?? ?is??s?s ?? inj??i?s, ?? cl??s ????t ?i?ts.
Th? t??m ??hin? th? ?xc?v?ti?n h?s ??l??s?? ?n ?-???k ??t?ilin? th? ???j?ct c?ll?? “Fiv? Mil? L?n?,” which ??sc?i??s wh?t h?s ???n ???n? s? ???, incl??in? B??nz? Α?? c??m?ti?ns, ?n ????wh???, ?n? ? 3000-????-?l? ???n?h??s?.
Th? ??t?il?? ?in?in?s will ?? ???lish?? ?t th? ?n? ?? 2022.
“Α?ch???l??ists ?lw??s s??, w? ?i?n’t ?x??ct t? ?in? this m?ch, ?n? in this c?s?, w? ?i?n’t, ??c??s? th? ???c??in? s??v??s ?i?n’t ??is? m?n? h???s. B?t it h?s ???v?? t? ?? ?n inc???i?l? ??ns?l? ?cc??i?? ???hist??ic, R?m?n, ?n? l?t??, l?n?sc??? with l?ts ?? ?ctivit? ???m 4000 BC t? th? S?c?n? W??l? Wα?” C?ll??? s?i?.