The World’s Deadliest Bomber Tu-22M3 Enters the Line, Adding Strength to Russian Troops

Moscow – Russian President Vladimir Putin is showing no signs of slowing down his invasion of Ukraine after one of the world’s deadliest bombers was delivered to his…

Every country wants to purchase the F-35 fifth generation fighter aircraft.

F-35 Shows Its Popularity by Beating Sales Expectations in 2021: The F-35 Lightning II had a good year in 2021. It is selling well – both domestically and overseas. Airplane…

Everyone was terrified when the camera captured a large marine creature slithering into Asia’s largest river.

Oп Friday, footage appeared oп Chiпa’s popυlar Siпa Weibo microblog of what appeared to be a loпg, black creatυre, maпoeυvriпg throυgh the waters, aпd it has domiпated…

Rich wаrrіoг’s 1,500-year-old crypt buгіed with wife and children found in Ancient Russian city

The discovery has ѕрагked an archaeological mystery, with experts unable to сoпfігm whether the family dіed from рɩаɡᴜe – or were butchered by local tribesmen. Archaeologists say…

This Plant Will Give You Ketchup and Fries At The Same Time and It’s Now Available in the US

See the potatoes under the tomatoes? They all come from one plant. Image credit: SuperNaturals Yes, this means that you can have ketchup and fries from the same…

One Of the Biggest Moths on Earth Seen In US For First Time, Baffling Scientists

The giant moth is usually found in the forests of Asia, not Washington. The Atlas moth (Attacus atlas) is one of the world’s largest species of moths…

There Are 17 Trees Growing on Top of This Chapel in Greece But Their Roots Are Nowhere to Be Seen

St Theodora’s tiny chapel in Central Peloponese, Greece, is definitely a miracle of nature, and for the believers, a sign of God’s might. Seventeen oak trees sprout…

Scientists’ discovery of a cartoon cat figure in Peru turns out to be the oldest piece of the Nazca Line, dating back 2,000 years.

Dated to between 200 and 100 B.C., the stealthy geoglyph is thought to be older than any others previously discovered in Peru’s Nazca region. “[It] was about…

What Happened When This Owl Hatched A Duckling on Its Own?

As brood parasites, wood duck parents often place some of their eggs in other birds’ nests. It’s a strategy to have as many offsprings reach adulthood as…

It’s No Accident That This Newly Discovered Dinosaur Species Is Called “Hellboy”

The nickname “Hellboy” refers to the the difficulty in excavating the enormous skull due to the hardness of rock it was encased in, as well as its…