Scientists observe a flash of light called a ‘once-in-a-century event’

A group of astronomers has become star-struck at the brightest flash of light that has ever been seen, probably caused by a black hole forming. On October…

BREAKING: NASA Just Discovered Pair of Super-Earths With 1,000-Mile-Deep Oceans

The polar ice caps have fully melted and the water level has risen to more than 5 miles, swallowing practically all of the land, in the post-apocalyptic…

Dinosaur-Eating Galloping Crocodiles Once Existed in the Sahara Desert

Believe it or not, but 100 million years ago the area of the present-day scorching hot Sahara Desert was a lush swamp home not just to dinosaurs,…

Stunning Lakes, Oceans, and Ponds That Look Like Works of Art

Lakes and ponds might look nice, but the cold of winter just elevates them to another dimension. As you might have seen in our previous post, freezing…

Learn about the dangerous and odd-looking Horned Snakes.

The horned viper (Cerastes cerastes) is a species of venomous snake native to North Africa and the Middle East, inhabiting semi-arid environments and stony deserts up to 4900 ft (1500 m) in…

Scientists Discover a Strangely Fluffy Crab Species, Wearing A Sea Sponge Hat

“All members of this groυp of crabs are hairy to some exteпt bυt this oпe is ridicυloυs.” Aпd theп we haveп’t talked aboυt the hat… Althoυgh hairs…

Netizes have responded with the silliest responses. The identity of the animal, though, will surprise a lot of people.

The world we live iп is iпdeed fυll of iпterestiпg thiпgs aroυпd, aпd the more we explore, the more we realize that oυr kпowledge is still limited….

The “New” B-52 Stratofortress, the B-52J or B-52K, is here (More Like New Engines)

According to Colonel Louis Ruscetta, the senior materiel leader of the B-52’s modernization program, the venerable strategic comber will be redesignated to either “B-52J” or “B-52K” once…

No vehicle has the same amount of power as the AV-8B Harrier II used by the US Marines.

The AV-8B was developed as a second-generation Harrier, primarily for the US Marine Corps. The Harrier II entered USMC service in 1984 and participated extensively in the…

The Incredible Monasteries of Meteora, Greece

There are 6 Meteora monasteries perched on the huge cliffs people can visit today. A visit to Meteora monasteries offers a unique perspective of nature’s grandeur in…