Ancient skeletons found in India provide new insight into mindset of world’s earliest humans

Forensic experts from South Korea will now attempt to reconstruct the ancient people’s DNA Image taken by excavation team shows skeletons discovered in an ancient cemetery in…

Fossils of two previously unknown dinosaurs discovered off the coast of England

Fossils discovered on a rocky beach on England’s Isle of Wight around 127 million years ago reveal that there was double trouble on the island, with a…

The U-2 Dragon Lady is the most well-known spy plane in America.

With Tom Cruise’s new film Top Gun: Maverick breaking records worldwide, the entire world is reminded about how dangerous pilots live. And we all get to be…

What Makes Boeing’s F-15EX Fighter “Unstoppable” Now

Engine Contract Shows F-15EX is Here to Stay: Critics of the F-15EX have pointed out that money spent on the 4th-generation, non-stealth fighter, should be re-programmed and…

Mystery of Puzzling Fairy Circles in Namib Desert Is Finally Solved by Scientists

The Namib desert is covered in a mind-bending pattern of fairy circles, the origin of which has been heatedly debated by scientists – but now the mystery…

These Creepy Looking Deep Sea Fish Are Actually Super Friendly to Humans

The wolffish has the face only a mother could love, but it’s surprisingly affectionate. And it produces antifreeze. Could be a nightmare for a kid, but these…

Destructive Beauty: Icebergs Flip With as Much Energy as an Atomic Bomb

While icebergs may seem like gentle giants, they can release a devastating force during the rare occasion of them flipping over. And while undeniably, this reveals their incredibly…

Ross 508b, a newly discovered super-earth that is only 37 light-years away, may be able to sustain life

“Are we alone in this universe?” is something many of us have asked ourselves. While humanity has no definitive answers to this question yet, scientists are constantly…

In Romania, archaeologists have found a massive skeleton!

According to ancient legends, a great race of people who built gigantic buildings like pyramids and great divine temples once walked on Earth. Their existence also tells…

Researchers in Argentina have discovered embryo-containing fossilized dinosaur eggs from about 70 million years ago

Argentine scientists have discovered fossilized dinosaur eggs with embryos inside, dating back about 70 million years in the southern province of Neuquen. The Vietnam News Agency correspondent…