A giant space rock instead of a small planet is flying to Earth

The ALMA ground-based radio telescope helped astronomers refine the albedo and diameter of the nucleus of the giant comet C/2014 UN271 Bernardinelli-Bernstein from the Oort cloud. It…

Crayfish from the clear lagoon waters of the Great Barrier Reef

Panulirus ornatus (known by a number of common names, including tropical rock lobster, ornate rock lobster, ornate spiny lobster and ornate tropical rock lobster[ is a large…

NASA Confirms Largest Comet Ever Seen Is Heading Towards Earth

NASA verified that the biggest comet ever detected has a diameter of around 85 miles and is now officially the largest comet ever spotted after Hubble Space…

225-million-year-old petrified opal tree trunk located in Arizona

Arizona is one of those American states we tend to associate with dry, high winds and desert, the kind of landscape that shrivels skin and makes standing…

US Tests Top SECRET Hypersonic Aircraft to Beat SR-72

Hermeus’ hypersonic Quarterhorse jet might just be the jet of the future, possibly retiring even Lockheed Martin’s jet of the future – the hypersonic SR-72 – before…

Heckler & Koch USP: A pistol with probably the best ergonomics of its time.

Heckler & Koch USP is an accurate, well-made, rugged, reliable, functional pistol often used as a service sidearm. It’s an impressive pistol known to absorb the recoil…

Our Universe May Have Emerged from a Black Hole in a Higher Dimensional Universe

The big bang poses a big question: if it was indeed the cataclysm that blasted our universe into existence 13.7 billion years ago, what sparked it? Three…

NASA sent a map into space 50 years ago to help extraterrestrials find Earth; now they have an awesome update

In 1971, NASA sent a map into space developed by astrophysicists Carl Sagan and Frank Drake. This map aimed to help any Aliens who may come across…

Kummakivi is a 5,00000 kg rock in Finland that has been balancing on top of another rock for 11,000 years

This strange sight perplexed visitors since its discovery, and spawned stories of giants having balanced the rock in its position, but geologists have a more realistic explanation: glaciers….

Tempest 6th Generation Fighter: What You Need To Know

The UK’s Tempest – What We Need To Know: It was just four years ago, at the last Farnborough Air Show that the United Kingdom’s Ministry of…