Perseverance pays off: a 54-year-old Nigerian woman welcomes her first child with immense joy

A 54-year-old US-based Nigerian woman identified simply as Bunmi, has welcomed her first babies with her husband.Bunmi Lawal Olugbodi, a gorgeous new mom who has been longing for the fruit of the womb for years, recently welcomed her first infants, a cute set of twin boys with her husband. God has the final say and His timing is best.

Most families with these concerns fall into deѕраіг overwhelmed with depression. God never intended for people to be childless; otherwise, he would not have given them the command to reproduce and spread throughout the eагtһ. As a result, if one is unfoгtunate enough to find himself in this situation and later overcomes it, there is a need for gladness and jubilation.

The source of this revelation is an Instagram post shared by Mediagist, showcasing the heartwarming moment of a 54-year-old Nigerian woman residing in the United States expressing gratitude to God for the arrival of her first babies. This joyous occasion comes after years of longing for a child and fervent prayers.

Identified as Mrs Bunmi Lawal Olugbodi, the joy in the photos shows how happy and joyous she is, as she danced and thanked God with her husband .

These photos come with the caption; “blessed new mom 54 years.. congratulations for the arrival of your new set of twins.

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