Rare white-faced fawn rejected by mom at local farm (VIDEO)

What is going to happen to this beauty? I hope it finds a good home. Another of God’s incredible uniquely created creatures. ⭐️️

An extremely adorable fawn abandoned shortly after birth finally found solace at a local farm. The baby deer was rejected by her own mother because she was born with a very unusual feature on her face.

The week-and-a-half-old fawn was born with a very rare condition called piebald. Unlikely [albinism or melanism], piebald occurs when an animal has large spots on its body without [pigmentation]. The little one is called Dragon.

Absolutely stunning! Beautiful eyes looking back…

Dragon was born at Deer Tracks Junction, a farm in Cedar Springs, Michigan and due to his [condition], his mother abandoned him shortly after he was born. Fortunately, he is now thriving thanks to the kind people who care for him.

So pretty, blessed, absolutely beautiful.

Animals suffering from this rare condition are very often [rejected] by their groups and what’s worse, they are extremely [vuln.erAbles] to [pr.eda.tors] due to their lack of [camouflage. ].

White, on the other hand, makes him stand out, so he can’t [hide] from [predA.tors], and he can’t hear or see as well as a normal deer, so he can’t hear. or see [predA.tors] coming.

Just look at how adorable he is… 🥰️

It is beautiful but it is also a birth [defect] that would prevent the fawn from [flagging] and attract [predators]. Fortunately, on the farm he lives on, he has all the ingredients for a long life. Happy life!

We are so happy that she has a wonderful new home at the animal farm, it makes me smile when I see the animals happy again. God bless you, sweet little angel…!

Watch the beautiful  video below:

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