Redeemed from the Edge: Valuable Attempts Save a Broken Elephant

This week, we faced yet another reminder of the dangerous threat that snares pose to wildlife. Even the strongest animals can fall victim to these deadly traps.

Fortunately, this particular story ends hopefully, as we successfully rescued a bull elephant from a life-threatening snare.

The incident began during a routine helicopter patrol on September 11. On the return flight to base, our pilot noticed a massive bull elephant standing in the Athi River.

Sensing something was wrong, he circled back for a closer inspection of this majestic Tsavo resident. He made a distressing discovery: the elephant’s front left foot was ensnared in a tight trap.

Quickly, the pilot returned to our Kaluku Field Headquarters to gather reinforcements and a camera. Photographing the scene before treatment is crucial, as it helps the vet plan the most effective course of action.

While the helicopter team captured aerial images, our fixed-wing pilot flew to Voi to pick up Dr. Limo and the mobile veterinary unit from SWT/KWS.

Concurrently, the K9 unit from SWT/KWS and KWS rangers rushed to the bull’s location to monitor his condition closely.

With the team ready, the SWT helicopter transported Dr. Limo to the scene, administered initial treatment from the air, and guided the team to a safe landing spot, allowing ground teams to assist further.

Without intervention, the snare would have eventually killed the bull. The cable tightened around his left foreleg, causing intense suffering and infection, but there was still time for a rescue.

Dr. Limo and his team expertly removed the snare, treated the wound, administered antibiotics, and applied soothing green clay to aid healing.

After the treatment, the bull regained his strength and stood tall once more, his majestic presence revitalized by the compassionate efforts of dedicated individuals.

This rescue highlights the detrimental impact of snares and underscores the importance of aerial monitoring and ground-level efforts. Through vigilant patrols, our teams protect wildlife and their habitats.

By combating illegal activities and intercepting trap setups, our pilots and ground staff can quickly assist distressed people and combat illicit activities and trap setups.

Thanks to their rapid intervention, this bull elephant has been saved, ensuring his continued presence in Tsavo National Park for some.

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