She lost half her face, but after finding a loving home, she is unrecognisable.

Haddie the dog lost half of her face after she was used as dogfighting bait. For a long time she was in the hands of abusers who caused her a lot of pain.

For its owners, it was nothing more than an object of entertainment, they did not have any kind of remorse or sensitivity for their situation.

Haddie grew up in an environment so sick that it left her with permanent scars. Her face was completely disfigured, without one eye and damage to a large part of her snout , while she suffered, others bet and celebrated for it.

He lost half of his face in dog peeling but now he enjoys a new opportunity

The life of this brave dog was very hard, but everything took a turn when it seemed that there was no hope for her. Her rescue was made possible by Mutt Scouts, a shelter for abused dogs .

Although her transformation was fraught with many difficulties, her life was saved and now she was surrounded by people who gave her all the love she had never received .

This adorable dog had a second chance, a few days after her rescue, she was transferred to southern California, to Mutt Scouts Dog Rescue, where she began a new process.

She underwent multiple surgeries to improve her state of health , with infinite care and love, hopes were reborn.

His recovery process was very expensive, but fortunately, he had the support of kind souls who paid all his medical bills.

Erin Williams, a 36-year-old woman from Washington DC , learned the story of the dog and from the first moment she saw her, she was attracted by her unusual appearance.

He wanted to be part of her recovery process and make her a member of his family, so he didn’t hesitate to adopt her .

“They had to remove part of his skin and one eye to save his life. Basically, she was already rotting away. I’ve seen before photos and it’s really scary. The injuries came from forceful attacks by other dogs,” Erin Williams said.

At all times, Williams was willing to take care of the dog and make her feel safe in her new home.

“A lot of the medical care happened before I adopted her. When I got it, her face was still healing, so my job was to make sure the affected area was okay,” Williams said.

As expected, the dog needed a long time for her wounds to heal completely , also for her to adapt to her new home, she needed to feel confident and interact with other furry ones without feeling afraid.

Little by little, her fear disappeared and she completely trusted her new family, now she is a very sociable dog who loves to have all the attention .

Although some people look at her a little bewildered, for Erin her dog is the bravest and most beautiful in the world . She has had to admit harsh comments or unwanted looks, but they move on without anything disturbing her walks.

“ Haddie is always there to remind me that it is time to leave the house for a walk, and she is always willing to take a nap,” Erin said.

Today this adorable dog enjoys being the darling of the house , she has taught her mother to enjoy the little pleasures in life like sleeping, a simple gift, or enjoying a sunset in a comfortable place. Erin finally added:

“Just knowing that she is safe and loved is enough to make me happy. Today she is enjoying life for the first time, so she has the opportunity to be a bit of a puppy. She always looks like she’s smiling. I personally find her adorable, and I’m thankful that a lot of people find her too.”

After a past full of misfortunes, without a doubt, he deserves a home full of love. Congratulations, little Haddie.

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