Surprisingly, people worshipped the mutant buffalo with pink skin as a deity of luck

In a remote village surrounded by lush green fields and rolling hills, an extraordinary event unfolded that would transform the lives of its inhabitants. The discovery of a mutant buffalo with pink skin was not only a biological anomaly but also a cultural phenomenon that sparked reverence and awe among the villagers. This remarkable creature, unlike any other, was soon worshiped as a god of good luck, bringing a sense of unity and hope to the community.

Chủ con trâu màu hồng khiến người Sài Gòn ngạc nhiên: Ba tôi mất, nó lạy  quan tài

One early dawn, as the sun began to rise, Mr. Liem, a seasoned farmer known for his diligence, made his way to his buffalo pen. His routine was interrupted by an astonishing sight: among his herd stood a buffalo with skin the color of soft pink rose petals. The creature’s appearance was so surreal that Mr. Liem had to blink several times, convinced that his eyes were deceiving him. Yet, there it was—a buffalo with a coat as pink as dawn’s first light.

News of the pink buffalo spread like wildfire, reaching every corner of the village. The villagers, initially skeptical, flocked to Mr. Liem’s farm to see this miraculous being. The buffalo’s gentle demeanor and unusual hue captivated everyone, turning skepticism into awe. The elders of the village, steeped in tradition and folklore, interpreted the buffalo’s unique coloration as a divine sign.

Chủ con trâu màu hồng khiến người Sài Gòn ngạc nhiên: Ba tôi mất, nó lạy  quan tài

They interpreted the buffalo’s unique coloration as a divine sign. They believed that the pink buffalo was a gift from the gods, a symbol of good fortune and prosperity. According to local legends, such an animal was an omen of blessings to come, promising bountiful harvests and communal harmony.

As the villagers gathered around the pink buffalo, they were filled with a renewed sense of hope and wonder. The animal was given a special name, “Ngọc Bích,” meaning “Jade,” to reflect its precious and unique nature. An altar was built near the pen, adorned with offerings of fruit, flowers, and incense. People from nearby villages also began to visit, drawn by the tales of this miraculous creature.

Bất ngờ con trâu màu hồng độc lạ ở TP.HCM, khách trả giá tiền tỉ chủ nhân  cũng không bán

The transformation of the pink buffalo into a sacred symbol brought about profound changes in the village. The once modest settlement now became a place of pilgrimage, with visitors arriving to pay their respects and seek blessings. The village elders organized regular ceremonies, where prayers and rituals were performed in honor of Ngọc Bích. These ceremonies were not just acts of worship but also communal gatherings that strengthened the bonds among the villagers.

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