Tourists flocked to the Prague Zoo to see the anniversary of the birth of a pair of rare leopards after 13 years

In a delightful and rare occurrence, the  Prague Zoo recently celebrated the birth of triplet leopards, marking the first time in thirteen years that such an event occurred. This…

The moment that melted a million hearts when a leopard approached a wildlife photographer and hugged him.

A stunning moment unfolds in a heart-melting series of photos as a cheetah approaches a wildlife photographer and embraces him. Captured by another photographer, the scene highlights…

Excellent camouflage skills: A fun and adorable experience in the Hide and Seek Wildlife Sanctuary with a baby snow leopard

Visitors to a local wildlife sanctuary recently experienced a delightful surprise when a playful snow leopard cub demonstrated its exceptional camouflage skills in a game of hide-and-seek….

“Female cheetah sets record by giving birth to significant number of cubs in St. Louis (Video)”

A cheetah at the St. Louis Zoo welcomed eight cubs in November, the zoo announced Wednesday. “The cubs, three males and five females, were born at the…

“Unlikely Friendship: Man in Wheelchair Forms Bond with Cheetah After Accident”

After a life-altering motorbike accident in 2002, former race car driver Joan Lascorz found solace and companionship in an unusual companion – a cheetah. Despite using a…

The extraordinary moment when a leopard’s maternal instincts outweigh its predatory nature.

Humans can learn so much from the natural world. While we often struggle to get along with each other, animals can make room in their hearts even for natural…

“Injured Jaguar finds solace in human compassion, creating a positive impact together!”

Jaguar, a powerful and majestic big cat, had found itself in a ргeсагіoᴜѕ situation after sustaining ѕeгіoᴜѕ іnjᴜгіeѕ. The саᴜѕe of the іnjᴜгіeѕ may have been from…

Leopards’ Tree-Hυnting Skills Meet Their Match: Reckless Monkeys. Who Will Survive the Deadly Jump from Dizzying Heights?

If ever there was сonfігmаtіon of your mother’s wisdom in advising аɡаіnѕt playing with your food, this іnсіdent exemplifies it. In the South African bush, a baby…

“Charming Puma (Cougar) Cubs Playfully Interacting with Their Mother”

Nahari, the father, was born at the León Zoo a few years ago and Kayra, the mother, was rescued from the Sierra de Santa Rosa, so they are…

This cub is also the first to be born at the Jacksonville Zoo in a decade.

The Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens’ jaguar population grew in April, and that new, male jaguar cub is in need of a name. The cub was born to…