The 52-year-old mother welcomed three children after 17 years of waiting.

After 17 years of trying to conceive, a 52-year-old Nigerian lady and her husband have been blessed with a beautiful set of triplets. Via @prophetes_mary_olubori_dasmola:“A 52 year old lady, who happens to be my daughter in the Lord and one of my protocols, who has been looking for the fruit of the womb for 17 years along with her husband, have now received their long awaited babies 👶🏾.

It seemed like they all wanted to come at once, because she was blessed with triplets. Now a woman of her age, having to deal with delivering triplets was not easy, however God was with her every step of the way. Now the mother is healthy and so are the children. Help me shout 7 Hallelujah!!! Congratulations to her and her new family👏. I want to use her story as a point of contact for all others looking for a child, ask and it shall be given to you. I pray that by this time next year you shall all be rejoicing your new babies in Jesus mighty name.

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